Hiprabovis IBR Marker Live Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

hiprabovis ibr marker live

laboratorios hipra s.a - virus ħaj tal-virus tal-herpes tal-ifrat imħallat b'ġenet doppju tip 1, razza ceddel: 106.3-107.3 ccid50 - immunoloġiċi - bhejjem - għal-immunizzazzjoni attiva tal-bhejjem mill-età ta 'tliet xhur kontra l-bovini virus herpes tat-tip 1 (bohv-1) biex jitnaqqsu s-sinjali kliniċi ta' infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (ibr) u l-eskrezzjoni tal-virus fil-qasam. il-bidu tal-immunità: 21 jum wara t-tlestija tal-iskema bażika tat-tilqim. tul ta 'żmien tal-immunità: 6 xhur wara t-tkomplija tal-iskema bażika tat-tilqim.

Prevexxion RN+HVT+IBD Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

prevexxion rn+hvt+ibd

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - live recombinant marek’s disease virus, serotype 1, strain rn1250; live recombinant turkey herpesvirus, expressing the vp2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus, strain vhvt013-69 - immunologicals for aves, domestic fowl, avian herpes virus (marek's disease) + avian infectious bursal disease virus (gumboro disease) + newcastle disease virus/paramyxovirus - chicken - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks to prevent mortality and clinical signs and reduce lesions caused by marek’s disease (md) virus (including very virulent md virus), and to prevent mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by infectious bursal disease (ibd) virus.

Leucofeligen FeLV/RCP Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

leucofeligen felv/rcp

virbac s.a. - purified p45 feline leukaemia virus envelope antigen, live feline calicivirus (strain f9), live feline viral rhinotracheitis virus (strain f2), live feline panleucopenia virus - ħajjin tal-virus tal-panlewkopenja fil-qtates / parvovirus + ħajjin-feline rhinotracheitis virus + jgħixu kaliċivirus fil-qtates + inattivat feline leukaemia virus - qtates - għal immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'qtates minn tmien ġimgħat kontra: calicivirosis qtates biex jitnaqqsu sinjali kliniċi. rhinotracheitis virali tal-qtates biex jitnaqqsu s-sinjali kliniċi u l-eskrezzjoni virali. panleucopenia qtates biex tevita l-lewkopenija u biex tnaqqas is-sinjali kliniċi. lewkimja tal-qtates biex tevita viremija persistenti u sinjali kliniċi tal-marda relatata. il-bidu tal-immunità: 3 ġimgħat wara l-vaċċinazzjoni primarja għall-komponenti tal-panleukopenja u tal-lewkimja, u 4 ġimgħat wara l-vaċċinazzjoni primarja għall-komponenti tal-virus tal-calicivirus u r-rinotrakeite. tul ta 'żmien ta' l-immunità: sena wara t-tilqima primarja għall-komponenti kollha.

Bovalto Ibraxion Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

bovalto ibraxion

merial - virus ibr inattivat - immunoloġiċi għall-bovidae - bhejjem - immunizzazzjoni attiva tal-baqar biex tnaqqas is-sinjali kliniċi ta 'rhinotracheitis bovina infettiva (ibr) u l-eskrezzjoni tal-virus tal-kamp. , il-bidu ta 'l-immunità huwa ta' 14-il jum u t-tul ta 'l-immunità huwa ta' 6 xhur.

Ultifend ND IBD Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

ultifend nd ibd

ceva-phylaxia veterinary biologicals co. ltd - turkey herpes virus, strain rhvt/nd/ibd, expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the vp2 protein of infectious bursal disease virus, live recombinant - immunoloġiċi għall-għasafar - embryonated chicken eggs; chicken - for the active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or 18-day-old chicken embryonated eggs to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by newcastle disease virus (ndv) and to reduce virus shedding; to reduce mortality, clinical signs and bursa lesions caused by very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (ibdv); to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by classical marek’s disease virus (mdv).

Vectormune FP ILT + AE Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vectormune fp ilt + ae

ceva-phylaxia co. ltd. - live recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the membrane fusion protein and the encapsidation protein of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (rfp-lt) and avian encephalomyelitis virus, strain calnek 1143 (ae) - immunologicals for aves, live viral vaccines, domestic fowl - chicken - for active immunisation of chickens of 8 to 13 weeks of age in order to reduce the skin lesions due to fowlpox, to reduce the clinical signs and tracheal lesions due to avian infectious laryngotracheitis and to prevent egg production losses due to avian encephalomyelitis.

Innovax-ND-ILT Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


intervet international b.v. - cell-associated live recombinant turkey herpesvirus (strain hvt/ndv/ilt) expressing the fusion protein of newcastle disease virus and the glycoproteins gd and gi of infectious laryngotracheitis virus - immunoloġiċi għall-għasafar - embryonated chicken eggs; chicken - for active immunisation of one-day-old chicks or embryonated chicken eggs:to reduce mortality and clinical signs caused by newcastle disease (nd) virus,to reduce mortality, clinical signs and lesions caused by avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ilt) virus and marek’s disease (md) virus.

Vectormune FP ILT Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vectormune fp ilt

ceva-phylaxia co. ltd. - recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the membrane fusion protein and the encapsidation protein of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus, live - chicken - for active immunisation of chickens from 8 weeks of age in order to reduce the skin lesions due to fowlpox and to reduce the clinical signs and tracheal lesions due to avian infectious laryngotracheitis.

Vaxxitek HVT+IBD Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vaxxitek hvt+ibd

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - rikombinanti turkija herpesvirus, tar-razza vhvt013-69, ħaj - immunoloġiċi għall-aves, tjur domestiċi, immunoloġiċi - embryonated eggs; chicken - għall-immunizzazzjoni attiva tal-flieles:biex tipprevjeni mwiet u biex tnaqqas sinjali kliniċi u leżjonijiet tal-marda infettiva bursal. biex tnaqqas l-imwiet, sinjali kliniċi u leżjonijiet tal-marda ta'marek.

Lydaxx Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vetoquinol - tulathromycin - antibacterials għal użu sistemiku - cattle; pigs; sheep - cattle: treatment and metaphylaxis of bovine respiratory disease (brd) associated with mannheimia haemolytica, pasteurella multocida, histophilus somni and mycoplasma bovis susceptible to tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. treatment of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (ibk) associated with moraxella bovis susceptible to tulathromycin. pigs: treatment and metaphylaxis of swine respiratory disease (srd) associated with actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, pasteurella multocida, mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, haemophilus parasuis and bordetella bronchiseptica susceptible to tulathromycin. il-preżenza tal-marda fil-merħla għandha tiġi stabbilita qabel it-trattament metaphylactic. the product should only be used if pigs are expected to develop the disease within 2–3 days. nagħaġ: trattament tal-istadji bikrija ta 'pododermatite infettiva (taħsir tas-sieq) assoċjat ma' dichelobacter nodosus virulenti li jeħtieġ trattament sistemiku.