Cimzia Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ucb pharma sa  - certolizumaba pegols - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - reimatoīdais arthritiscimzia, kombinācijā ar metotreksātu (mtx), ir norādīts:ārstēšanā vidēji smagu vai smagu, aktīvu reimatoīdo artrītu (ra) pieaugušiem pacientiem, ja atbilde uz slimību modificējošiem pretreimatisma zālēm (dmards) tai skaitā mtx, nav bijis pietiekams. cimzia var tikt dota monotherapy gadījumā mtx nepanesība vai tad, kad turpināja ārstēšanu ar mtx ir inappropriatethe ārstēšana smagas, aktīva un progresējoša ra pieaugušajiem, kas nav iepriekš apstrādātas ar mtx vai citu dmards. cimzia ir pierādīts, lai samazinātu likmi, locītavu bojājumu progresēšanu, mērot ar x ray un uzlabot fizisko funkciju, ja to lieto kombinācijā ar mtx. aksiālie spondyloarthritis cimzia ir norādīts ārstēšanai pieaugušiem pacientiem ar smagu aktīvu aksiālie spondyloarthritis, kas ietver:ankilozējošais spondilīts (as)pieaugušajiem ar smagu aktīvu ankilozējošais spondilīts, kas ir bijusi neatbilstoša atbildreakcija uz, vai nepanes nesteroīdiem pretiekaisuma līdzekļiem (npl). aksiālie spondyloarthritis bez radiogrāfisko pie

Leflunomide medac Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

leflunomide medac

medac gesellschaft für klinische spezialpräparate mbh - leflunomide - artrīts, reimatoīds - selective immunosuppressants - leflunomīda ir norādīts ārstēšanai pieaugušiem pacientiem ar:aktīvu reimatoīdo artrītu kā slimību modificējošiem pretreimatisma narkotiku " (dmard). nesen vai vienlaicīga ārstēšana ar hepatotoksisku vai haematotoxic dmards e. metotreksātu), var izraisīt paaugstināts risks nopietnām blaknēm, tāpēc uzsākšanu leflunomīda ārstēšanai, ir rūpīgi jāizvērtē attiecībā uz šīm riska / ieguvumu aspekti. turklāt, pārejot no leflunomīda uz citu dmard bez washout procedūru, var arī palielināt risku saslimt ar nopietnām blakusparādībām vēl ilgu laiku pēc maiņas.

Leflunomide ratiopharm Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

leflunomide ratiopharm

ratiopharm gmbh - leflunomide - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - leflunomīda ir norādīts ārstēšanai pieaugušiem pacientiem ar:aktīvu reimatoīdo artrītu kā slimību modificējošiem pretreimatisma narkotiku " (dmard);aktīvās psoriātiskā artrīta. nesen vai vienlaicīga ārstēšana ar hepatotoksisku vai haematotoxic dmards e. metotreksāts), var palielināt nopietnu nevēlamu blakusparādību risku; tādēļ rūpīgi jāapsver leflunomīda terapijas uzsākšana attiecībā uz šiem ieguvuma / riska aspektiem. turklāt, pārejot no leflunomīda uz citu dmard bez washout procedūru, var arī palielināt risku saslimt ar nopietnām blakusparādībām vēl ilgu laiku pēc maiņas.

Leflunomide Teva Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

leflunomide teva

teva pharma b.v. - leflunomide - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - leflunomīds ir indicēts pieaugušiem pacientiem ar aktīvu reimatoīdo artrītu kā "slimību modificējošu pretreimatisku medikamentu" (dmard) ārstēšanai.. nesen vai vienlaicīga ārstēšana ar hepatotoksisku vai haematotoxic dmards e. metotreksāts), var palielināt nopietnu nevēlamu blakusparādību risku; tādēļ rūpīgi jāapsver leflunomīda terapijas uzsākšana attiecībā uz šiem ieguvuma / riska aspektiem. turklāt, pārejot no leflunomīda uz citu dmard bez washout procedūru, var arī palielināt risku saslimt ar nopietnām blakusparādībām vēl ilgu laiku pēc maiņas.

Kevzara Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi winthrop industrie - sarilumabs - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - kevzara kombinācijā ar metotreksātu (mtx) ir indicēts vidēji līdz stipri aktīvas reimatoīdais artrīts (ra) pieaugušiem pacientiem, kas nepietiekami reaģējuši uz vai kuri necieš modificēšana anti reimatiskās vienas vai vairāku slimību ārstēšanai narkotikas (dmards). kevzaru var lietot kā monoterapiju mtx nepanesamības gadījumā vai gadījumos, kad ārstēšana ar mtx nav piemērota.

Cyltezo Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


boehringer ingelheim international gmbh - adalimumab - hidradenitis suppurativa; arthritis, psoriatic; psoriasis; crohn disease; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; uveitis; arthritis, rheumatoid; colitis, ulcerative; spondylitis, ankylosing - imūnsupresanti - lūdzu, skatiet 4. sadaļu. produkta raksturojuma kopsavilkums 1 produkta informācijas dokumentā.

Rinvoq Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


abbvie deutschland gmbh & co. kg - upadacitinib - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - rheumatoid arthritisrinvoq is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients who have responded inadequately to, or who are intolerant to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). rinvoq may be used as monotherapy or in combination with methotrexate. psoriatic arthritisrinvoq is indicated for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis in adult patients who have responded inadequately to, or who are intolerant to one or more dmards. rinvoq may be used as monotherapy or in combination with methotrexate. axial spondyloarthritisnon-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axspa)rinvoq is indicated for the treatment of active non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in adult patients with objective signs of inflammation as indicated by elevated c-reactive protein (crp) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (mri), who have responded inadequately to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids). ankylosing spondylitis (as, radiographic axial spondyloarthritis)rinvoq is indicated for the treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis in adult patients who have responded inadequately to conventional therapy. atopic dermatitisrinvoq is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adults and adolescents 12 years and older who are candidates for systemic therapy. ulcerative colitisrinvoq is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis who have had an inadequate response, lost response or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a biologic agent.  crohn’s diseaserinvoq is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active crohn’s disease who have had an inadequate response, lost response or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a biologic agent.

Xeljanz Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - tofacitinibs - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - rheumatoid arthritistofacitinib in combination with methotrexate (mtx) is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis (ra) in adult patients who have responded inadequately to, or who are intolerant to one or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (dmards) (see section 5. tofacitinib can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to mtx or when treatment with mtx is inappropriate (see sections 4. 4 un 4. psoriatic arthritistofacitinib in combination with mtx is indicated for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis (psa) in adult patients who have had an inadequate response or who have been intolerant to a prior disease modifying antirheumatic drug (dmard) therapy (see section 5. ulcerative colitistofacitinib is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (uc) who have had an inadequate response, lost response, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a biologic agent (see section 5. tofacitinib is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (rheumatoid factor positive [rf+] or negative [rf-] polyarthritis and extended oligoarthritis), and juvenile psoriatic arthritis (psa) in patients 2 years of age and older, who have responded inadequately to previous therapy with disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (dmards). tofacitinib can be given in combination with methotrexate (mtx) or as monotherapy in case of intolerance to mtx or where continued treatment with mtx is inappropriate. ankylosing spondylitistofacitinib is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (as) who have responded inadequately to conventional therapy.

Olumiant Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


eli lilly nederland b.v. - baricitinibs - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - rheumatoid arthritisbaricitinib is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients who have responded inadequately to, or who are intolerant to one or more disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs (dmards). olumiant var lietot monoterapijā vai kombinācijā ar metotreksātu. atopic dermatitisolumiant is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in adult and paediatric patients 2 years of age and older who are candidates for systemic therapy. alopecia areatabaricitinib is indicated for the treatment of severe alopecia areata in adult patients (see section 5. juvenile idiopathic arthritisbaricitinib is indicated for the treatment of active juvenile idiopathic arthritis in patients 2 years of age and older who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more prior conventional synthetic or biologic dmards:- polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (polyarticular rheumatoid factor positive [rf+] or negative [rf-], extended oligoarticular),- enthesitis related arthritis, and- juvenile psoriatic arthritis. baricitinib may be used as monotherapy or in combination with methotrexate.

Jyseleca Evrópusambandið - lettneska - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gilead sciences ireland uc, galapagos nv - filgotinib maleate - artrīts, reimatoīds - imūnsupresanti - rheumatoid arthritisjyseleca is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients who have responded inadequately to, or who are intolerant to one or more disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs (dmards). jyseleca may be used as monotherapy or in combination with methotrexate (mtx). ulcerative colitisjyseleca is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis who have had an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy or a biologic agent.