Abecma Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - idecabtagene vicleucel - multiple myeloma; neoplasms; cancer; neoplasms, plasma cell; hemostatic disorders; vascular diseases; cardiovascular diseases; paraproteinemias; blood protein disorders; hematologic diseases; hemic and lymphatic diseases; hemorrhagic disorders; infectious mononucleosis; lymphoproliferative disorders; immunoproliferative disorders; immune system diseases - aġenti antineoplastiċi - abecma is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least three prior therapies, including an immunomodulatory agent, a proteasome inhibitor and an anti cd38 antibody and have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy.

Carvykti Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


janssen-cilag international nv - ciltacabtagene autoleucel - majloma multipla - carvykti is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma, who have received at least three prior therapies, including an immunomodulatory agent, a proteasome inhibitor and an anti-cd38 antibody and have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy.

Yescarta Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


kite pharma eu b.v. - axicabtagene ciloleucel - lymphoma, follicular; lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - aġenti antineoplastiċi - yescarta is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with diffuse large b cell lymphoma (dlbcl) and high-grade b-cell lymphoma (hgbl) that relapses within 12 months from completion of, or is refractory to, first-line chemoimmunotherapy. yescarta is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory (r/r) dlbcl and primary mediastinal large b cell lymphoma (pmbcl), after two or more lines of systemic therapy. yescarta is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with r/r follicular lymphoma (fl) after three or more lines of systemic therapy.

Breyanzi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - cd19-directed genetically modified autologous cell-based product consisting of purified cd8+ t-cells (cd8+ cells), cd19-directed genetically modified autologous cell-based product consisting of purified cd4+ t cells (cd4+ cells) - lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse; lymphoma, follicular; mediastinal neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - breyanzi is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl), high grade b-cell lymphoma (hgbcl), primary mediastinal large b-cell lymphoma (pmbcl) and follicular lymphoma grade 3b (fl3b), who relapsed within 12 months from completion of, or are refractory to, first-line chemoimmunotherapy.

Bexsero Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gsk vaccines s.r.l. - - membrana ta ' barra nfafet minn neisseria meningitidis tal-grupp b (razza nz 98/254), rikombinanti neisseria meningitidis tal-grupp b fhbp proteina tal-fużjoni, rikombinanti neisseria meningitidis tal-grupp b nada proteina rikombinanti neisseria meningitidis tal-grupp b nhba proteina tal-fużjoni - meninġite, meningokokkali - vaċċini meningokokkali - immunizzazzjoni attiva kontra mard invażiv ikkawżat minn razez ta 'neisseria meningitidis serogroup-b.

Menveo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gsk vaccines s.r.l. - grupp meningokokkali a, c, w-135 u y konjugat - immunization; meningitis, meningococcal - vaċċini batteriċi - vialsmenveo huwa indikat għall-immunizzazzjoni attiva tat-tfal (minn sentejn), l-adoloxxenti u l-adulti f'riskju ta ' espożizzjoni għall-neisseria meningitidis gruppi a, c, w135 u y, għall-prevenzjoni tal-marda invażiva. l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Trumenba Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - neisseria meningitidis serogroup b fhbp (fhbp lipidat rikombinanti (proteina li jgħaqqad il-fattur h)) subfamilja a; neisseria meningitidis serogroup b fhbp (fhbp lipidat rikombinanti (proteina li jgħaqqad il-fattur h)) subfamilja b - meninġite, meningokokkali - bacterial vaccines, meningococcal vaccines - trumenba huwa indikat għall-immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'individwi ta' 10 snin jew aktar biex jipprevjenu mard meningokokkali invażiv ikkawżat minn neisseria meningitidis serogroup b. l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Columvi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - glofitamab - lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - aġenti antineoplastiċi - columvi as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large b cell lymphoma (dlbcl), after two or more lines of systemic therapy.

Talvey Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


janssen-cilag international n.v. - talquetamab - majloma multipla - aġenti antineoplastiċi - talvey is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma, who have received at least 3 prior therapies, including an immunomodulatory agent, a proteasome inhibitor, and an anti cd38 antibody and have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy.

Tepkinly Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


abbvie deutschland gmbh & co. kg - epcoritamab - lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse - aġenti antineoplastiċi - tepkinly as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl) after two or more lines of systemic therapy.