Enteroporc Coli AC Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli ac

ceva santé animale - clostridium perfringens type c, beta1 toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, beta2 toxoid / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ab / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ac / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f5 / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f6 - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) escherichia + clostridium - majjali - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce:-           clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6-           clinical signs (diarrhoea during the first days of life) associated with clostridium perfringens type a expressing alpha and beta 2 toxins-           clinical signs and mortality associated with haemorrhagic and necrotising enteritis caused by clostridium perfringens type c expressing beta1 toxin.

Vyvgart Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


argenx - efgartigimod alfa - myasthenia gravis - immunosoppressanti - vyvgart is indicated as an add on to standard therapy for the treatment of adult patients with generalised myasthenia gravis (gmg) who are anti acetylcholine receptor (achr) antibody positive.

Suiseng Diff/A Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

suiseng diff/a

laboratorios hipra, s.a. - clostridioides difficile toxoid a, clostridioides difficile toxoid b, clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines for pigs, clostridium - majjali - for the passive immunisation of neonatal piglets by means of the active immunisation of breeding sows and gilts:- to prevent mortality and reduce clinical signs and macroscopic lesions caused by clostridioides difficile toxins a and b. - to reduce clinical signs and macroscopic lesions caused by clostridium perfringens type a, alpha toxin.

Neocolipor Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - e. coli adhesin f4 (f4ab, f4ac, f4ad), e. coli adhesin f5, e. coli adhesin f6, e. coli adhesin f41 - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) - sows; sows (nullipar) - tnaqqis ta 'enterotossikożi tat-twelid tal-ħnienes, ikkawżat minn e. coli strains, li jesprimu l-adesini f4ab, f4ac, f4ad, f5, f6 u f41, matul l-ewwel jiem tal-ħajja.

Enteroporc Coli Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli

ceva santé animale - inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f4ab, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f4ac, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f5, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f6 - immunoloġiċi għal suidae - majjali - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6.

Zeftera (previously Zevtera) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

zeftera (previously zevtera)

janssen-cilag international nv - ceftobiprole medocaril - skin diseases, infectious; soft tissue infections

Ammonaps Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


immedica pharma ab - sodium phenylbutyrate - ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency disease; citrullinemia; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase i deficiency disease - oħra tal-passaġġ alimentari u tal-metaboliżmu-prodotti, - ammonaps hu indikat bħala terapija aġġuntiva fit-kroniku tal-ġestjoni tal-urea disturbi fiċ-ċiklu, li jinvolvi defiċjenzi tal-carbamylphosphate synthetase, ornithine transcarbamylase orargininosuccinate synthetase. huwa indikat fil-pazjenti kollha b'neonatal-onset presentation (tlesti l-enżima n-nuqqasijiet li jidhru fl-ewwel 28 ġurnata tal-ħajja). huwa indikat ukoll f'pazjenti bil-marda li ħarġet tard(nuqqasijiet parzjali fl-enżimi, li jidhru wara l-ewwel xahar tal-ħajja) li għandhom storja ta ' enċefalopatija iperammonemika.

Aquipta Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


abbvie deutschland gmbh & co. kg - atogepant - disturbi fl-emigranja - aquipta is indicated for prophylaxis of migraine in adults who have at least 4 migraine days per month.

Cholestagel Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


cheplapharm arzneimittel gmbh - colesevelam (as hydrochloride) - iperkolesterolemija - aġenti li jimmodifikaw il-lipidi - cholestagel ko amministrati bil-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme-a (hmg-coa)-inibitur reductase (statin) huwa indikat bħala terapija adjunctive biex tad-dieta li jipprovdu xi addittiv tnaqqis fil-livelli baxxa-density-lipoprotein-kolesterol (ldl-c) f ' pazjenti adulti bl-hypercholesterolaemia primarji li mhumiex ikkontrollati b'mod adegwat bl-statin waħdu. cholestagel waħdu jintuża bħala terapija aġġuntiva mad-dieta għat-tnaqqis ta ' total-kolesterol u ldl-c f'pazjenti adulti b'iperkolesterolemija primarja, li statin huwa meqjus bħala mhux xierqa jew mhux ittollerati sewwa. cholestagel jista ' jintuża wkoll f'kombinazzjoni ma ezetimibe, bi jew mingħajr statin, f'pazjenti adulti b'iperkolesterolemija primarja, inklużi pazjenti b'familial iperkolesterolemija (ara sezzjoni 5.

Sevohale (previously known as Sevocalm) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

sevohale (previously known as sevocalm)

chanelle pharmaceuticals manufacturing limited - sevoflurane - anestetiċi ġenerali, - dogs; cats - għall-induzzjoni u l-manutenzjoni ta 'l-anestesija.