Alpivab Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biocryst - peramivir - influenza, emberi - vírusellenes szerek szisztémás alkalmazásra - alpivab kezelésére javallt, a szövődménymentes influenza a felnőttek, a gyermekek 2 éves kor.

Orladeyo Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biocryst ireland limited - berotralstat dihydrochloride - angioödéma, örökletes - other hematological agents - orladeyo is indicated for routine prevention of recurrent attacks of hereditary angioedema (hae) in adult and adolescent patients aged 12 years and older.

Binocrit Európai Unió - magyar - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - alfa-epoetin - anemia; kidney failure, chronic - antianémiás készítmények - treatment of symptomatic anaemia associated with chronic renal failure (crf) in adult and paediatric patients: , treatment of anaemia associated with chronic renal failure in paediatric and adult patients on haemodialysis and adult patients on peritoneal dialysis;, treatment of severe anaemia of renal origin accompanied by clinical symptoms in adult patients with renal insufficiency not yet undergoing dialysis;, treatment of anaemia and reduction of transfusion requirements in adult patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tumours, malignant lymphoma or multiple myeloma, and at risk of transfusion as assessed by the patient's general status (e. kardiovaszkuláris állapot, a már meglévő vérszegénység elején kemoterápia).