Enterococcus IVDs

Ország: Ausztrália

Nyelv: angol

Forrás: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Vedd Meg Most

Beszerezhető a:

Cepheid Holdings Pty Ltd


Class 3


Cepheid AB Rontgenvagen 5, Solna, SE-171 54 Sweden

Terápiás terület:

CT921 - Enterococcus IVDs

Terápiás javallatok:

The Cepheid Xpert vanA/vanB Assay performed in the GeneXpert System is a qualitative in vitro diagnostic test designed for rapid detection of vancomycin-resistance (vanA/vanB) genes from rectal and perianal swab specimens in patients at risk for intestinal colonization of vancomycin-resistant bacteria. The test utilizes automated real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the vanA and vanB genes that can be associated with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE).

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