Roaccutane 10 mg meke kapsule Hrvatska - hrvatski - HALMED (Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode)

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roche d.o.o., ulica grada vukovara 269a, zagreb, hrvatska - izotretinoin - kapsula, meka - 10 mg - urbroj: jedna meka kapsula sadrži 10 mg izotretinoina

CellCept Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - mikofenolat mofetil - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - cellcept je indiciran u kombinaciji sa ciklosporin i kortikosteroidi za profilaksa akutnog transplantaciju odbacivanja u bolesnika koji su primali alogene transplantacije bubrega, srca ili jetre.

Envarsus Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


chiesi farmaceutici s.p.a. - takrolimus - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - profilaksa odbacivanja transplantata kod odraslih primatelja bubrega ili jetrenih transplantata. liječenje odbacivanja alografta otpornih na liječenje drugim imunosupresivnim lijekovima u odraslih bolesnika.

Myclausen Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


passauer pharma gmbh - mikofenolat mofetil - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - myclausen je indiciran u kombinaciji sa ciklosporin i kortikosteroidi za profilaksa akutnog transplantaciju odbacivanja u bolesnika koji su primali alogene transplantacije bubrega, srca ili jetre.

Mycophenolate mofetil Teva Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

mycophenolate mofetil teva

teva pharma b.v. - mikofenolat mofetil - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - mikofenolat mofetil teva je indiciran u kombinaciji sa ciklosporin i kortikosteroidi za profilaksa akutnog transplantaciju odbacivanja u bolesnika koji su primali alogene transplantacije bubrega, srca ili jetre.

Myfenax Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


teva b.v. - mikofenolat mofetil - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - myfenax je indiciran u kombinaciji sa ciklosporin i kortikosteroidi za profilaksa akutnog transplantaciju odbacivanja u bolesnika koji su primali alogene transplantacije bubrega, srca ili jetre.

Modigraf Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astellas pharma europe b.v. - takrolimus - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - profilaksa odbacivanja transplantata u primateljima odraslih i dječjih, bubrega, jetre ili srčanih transplantata. i pedijatrijska bolesnika liječenje отторжении otporne na liječenje drugih иммуносупрессивных lijekova kod odraslih .

Advagraf Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astellas pharma europe bv - takrolimus - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - profilaksa odbacivanja transplantata kod odraslih primatelja bubrega ili jetrenih transplantata. liječenje odbacivanja alografta otpornih na liječenje drugim imunosupresivnim lijekovima u odraslih bolesnika.

Jayempi Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


nova laboratories ireland limited - azathioprine - odbacivanje transplantata - imunosupresivi - jayempi is indicated in combination with other immunosuppressive agents for the prophylaxis of transplant rejection in patients receiving allogenic kidney, liver, heart, lung or pancreas transplants. azathioprine is indicated in immunosuppressive regimens as an adjunct to immunosuppressive agents that form the mainstay of treatment (basis immunosuppression). jayempi is used as an immunosuppressant antimetabolite either alone or, more commonly, in combination with other agents (usually corticosteroids) and/ or procedures which influence the immune response. jayempi is indicated in patients who are intolerant to glucocorticosteroids or if the therapeutic response is inadequate despite treatment with high doses of glucocorticosteroids, in the following diseases:severe active rheumatoid arthritis (chronic polyarthritis) that cannot be kept under control by less toxic agents (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic -medicinal products – dmards)auto-immune hepatitis systemic lupus erythematosusdermatomyositispolyarteritis nodosapemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoidbehçet’s diseaserefractory auto-immune haemolytic anaemia, caused by warm igg antibodieschronic refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpurajayempi is used for the treatment of moderately severe to severe forms of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) (crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) in patients in whom glucocorticosteroid therapy is necessary, but where glucocorticosteroids are not tolerated, or in whom the disease is untreatable with other common means of first choice. it is also indicated in adult patients in relapsing multiple sclerosis, if an immunomodulatory therapy is indicated but beta interferon therapy is not possible, or a stable course has been achieved with previous treatment with azathioprine. 3jayempi is indicated for the treatment of generalised myasthenia gravis. depending on the severity of the disease, jayempi should be given in combination with glucocorticosteroids because of slow onset of action at the beginning of treatment and the glucocorticosteroid dose should be gradually reduced after several months of treatment.