COVID-19 Vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) Valneva Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) valneva

valneva austria gmbh - covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted, adsorbed) - covid-19 virus infection - cjepiva - covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) valneva is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 18 to 50 years of age.  the use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Hexacima Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi pasteur - hepatitis b surface antigen, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, bordetella pertussis antigens pertussis toxoid filamentous haemagglutinin, poliovirus (inactivated) type 1 (mahoney) type 2 (mef-1) type 3 (saukett), haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate) conjugated to tetanus protein - hepatitis b; tetanus; immunization; meningitis, haemophilus; whooping cough; poliomyelitis; diphtheria - vaccines, bacterial and viral vaccines, combined - hexacima (dtap-ipv--hb hib) je indiciran za primarne i booster cijepljenje dojenčadi i male djece od 6 tjedana starosti protiv difterije, tetanusa, protiv pertusisa, hepatitisa b, poliomijelitisa i invazivnih bolesti uzrokovane haemophilus influenzae tip b (hib). korištenje ovog cjepiva mora se provoditi u skladu sa službenim preporukama.

Prepandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted) Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

prepandemic influenza vaccine (h5n1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted) novartis vaccines and diagnostics

novartis vaccines and diagnostics s.r.l. - antigeni virusa influence (hemaglutinin i neuraminidaza) soja a / viet nam / 1194/2004 (h5n1) - influenza, human; immunization; disease outbreaks - cjepiva - aktivna imunizacija protiv h5n1 podtipa virusa gripe a. , , this indication is based on immunogenicity data from healthy subjects from the age of 18 years onwards following administration of two doses of the vaccine containing a/vietnam/1194/2004 (h5n1)-like strain. , , prepandemic influenza vaccine (h5n1) novartis vaccines and diagnostic should be used in accordance with official recommendations.

Zoonotic Influenza Vaccine Seqirus Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

zoonotic influenza vaccine seqirus

seqirus s.r.l.  - zoonotic influenza vaccine (h5n1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted), influenza virus surface antigens (haemagglutinin and neuraminidase) of strain: a/turkey/turkey/1/05 (h5n1)-like strain (nibrg-23) - influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - cjepiva - active immunisation against h5 subtype of influenza a virus.

Zulvac 1+8 Ovis Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

zulvac 1+8 ovis

zoetis belgium sa - inactivated bluetongue virus, serotype 1, strain btv-1/alg2006/01, inactivated bluetongue virus, serotype 8, strain btv-8/bel2006/02 - bluetongue virus, sheep, inactivated viral vaccines - ovca - aktivna imunizacija ovaca od 1. 5 mjeseci starosti kako bi se spriječila viremija uzrokovana virusom bolesti plavog jezika, serotipovima 1 i 8. početak imuniteta: 21 dan nakon završetka primarne sheme cijepljenja. trajanje imuniteta: 12 mjeseci.

Hexyon Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi pasteur europe - filamentous haemagglutinin, haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate), hepatitis b surface antigen, pertussis toxoid, poliovirus (inactivated) type 1 (mahoney strain) produced on vero cells, poliovirus (inactivated) type 2 (mef-1 strain) produced on vero cells, poliovirus (inactivated) type 3 (saukett strain) produced on vero cells, tetanus protein, tetanus toxoid adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide, hydrated, diphtheria toxoid - hepatitis b; tetanus; immunization; meningitis, haemophilus; whooping cough; poliomyelitis; diphtheria - cjepiva - hexyon (dtap-ipv--hb hib) je indiciran za primarne i booster cijepljenje dojenčadi i male djece od 6 tjedana starosti protiv difterije, tetanusa, protiv pertusisa, hepatitisa b, poliomijelitisa i invazivnih bolesti uzrokovane haemophilus influenzae tip b (hib). korištenje ovog cjepiva mora se provoditi u skladu sa službenim preporukama.

Vaxelis Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


mcm vaccine b.v. - Дифтерийный анатоксин, столбнячный анатоксин, Бордетеллы pertusisa antigeni: коклюшный анатоксин, vlaknast гемагглютинина, пертактин, фимбрии vrste 2 i 3, površinski antigen virusa hepatitisa b se proizvodi u stanicama kvasca, dječje paralize (инактивированная): tip 1 (mahoney), tip 2 (ω-1), tip 3 (saukett), proizvedenih u kulturi перевиваемых stanica vero/ гемофильная infekcija tipa b polisaharida (polyribosylribitol fosfat), конъюгированное s менингококковым proteinima. - meningitis, haemophilus; poliomyelitis; tetanus; diphtheria; whooping cough; hepatitis b - cjepiva - vaxelis (dtap-hb-ipv-hib) je indiciran za primarne i booster cijepljenja u dojenčadi i male djece u dobi od 6 tjedana, protiv difterije, tetanusa, protiv pertusisa, hepatitisa b, poliomijelitisa i invazivnih bolesti uzrokovane haemophilus influenzae tip b (hib). korištenje vaxelisa treba biti u skladu s službenim preporukama.

Enteroporc Coli AC Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli ac

ceva santé animale - clostridium perfringens type c, beta1 toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, beta2 toxoid / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ab / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ac / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f5 / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f6 - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) escherichia + clostridium - svinje - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce:-           clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6-           clinical signs (diarrhoea during the first days of life) associated with clostridium perfringens type a expressing alpha and beta 2 toxins-           clinical signs and mortality associated with haemorrhagic and necrotising enteritis caused by clostridium perfringens type c expressing beta1 toxin.

Celvapan Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


nanotherapeutics bohumil, s.r.o. - whole virion influenza vaccine, inactivated containing antigen of strain a/california/07/2009 (h1n1)v - disease outbreaks; influenza, human; immunization - cjepiva - profilaksa influence uzrokovana virusom a (h1n1) v 2009. celvapan mora se koristiti u skladu sa službenim vodstvom.

Respiporc FLUpan H1N1 Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

respiporc flupan h1n1

ceva santé animale - influenza a virus/human strain: a/jena/vi5258/2009 (h1n1)pdm09, inactivated - imunološke, inaktivirane virusne vakcine za svinje, virus influence gripe - svinje - aktivna imunizacija svinja od dobi od 8 tjedana nadalje protiv pandemijskog virusa influence h1n1 svinjske gripe kako bi se smanjio virusni opterećenje pluća i virusni izlučivanje. the vaccine can be used during pregnancy up to three weeks before expected farrowing and during lactation lactation.