Analyser software IVDs

Država: Australija

Jezik: engleski

Izvor: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupi sada

Dostupno od:

Hologic (Australia & New Zealand) Pty Ltd


Class 2

Proizveden od:

Hologic Inc 250 Campus Drive, Marlborough, MA, 01752 United States Of America

Područje terapije:

CT1250 - Analyser software IVDs

Terapijske indikacije:

Software that is intended to be incorporated into an IVD analyser (e.g. processor, imager, review station) to establish or supplement operational functions which may include the processing of specimens, generation of data, interpretation, storage, display and/or reporting of results obtained from a clinical laboratory specimen.

Status autorizacije:


Datum autorizacije:


Upozorenja za pretraživanje vezana za ovaj proizvod

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