סנדאימון   ניאורל   100 מג כמוסות ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סנדאימון ניאורל 100 מג כמוסות

novartis israel ltd - ciclosporin - קפסולות - ciclosporin 100 mg - cyclosporin - cyclosporin - prophylaxis of organ rejection in kidney liver heart allogenic transplants in conjunction with corticosteroids. may also be used in the treatment of chronic rejection in patients previously treated with other immuno-suppressive agents. bone marrow transplantation. endogenous uveitis. severe psoriasis above age 16 that did not respond to other treatment. atopic dermatitis in adults only up to 8 weeks for severe cases in which conventional therapy is ineffective or inappropriate. rheumatoid arthritis: severe cases in which standard treatments are ineffective or inappropriate. nephrotic syndrom type mcd (minimal change disease) in cases where conventional therapy has failed.

רפמיון תמיסה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

רפמיון תמיסה

pfizer pharmaceuticals israel ltd - sirolimus - תמיסה (פומי) - sirolimus 1 mg/ml - sirolimus - sirolimus - rapamune is indicated for the prophylaxis of organ rejection in adult patients at low to moderate immunological risk receiving a renal transplant. it is recommended that rapamune be used initially in combination with cyclosporine microemulsion and corticosteroids for 2 to 3 months. rapamune may be continued as maintenance therapy with corticosteroids only if cyclosporine can be progressively discontinued.

נבוקו ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


trima israel pharmaceutical products maabarot ltd - nabumetone - טבליה - nabumetone 500 mg - nabumetone - nabumetone - acute and chronic treatment of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and similar conditions requiring anti-inflamatory treatment.

סטאלבו   10025200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 10025200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 100 mg; carbidopa 25 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa - levodopa - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

סינמט CR ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סינמט cr

organon pharma israel ltd., israel - carbidopa as monohydrate; levodopa - טבליות בשחרור מבוקר - levodopa 200 mg; carbidopa as monohydrate 50 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - idiopathic parkinson's disease. postencephalitic parkinsonism. symptomatic parkinsonism. to reduce "off" time in patients previously treated with levodopa/decarboxylase inhibitor preparations, or with levodopa alone, who have had motor fluctuations characterized by end-of-dose deterioration ("wearing-off" phenomenon), peak dose dyskinesias, akinesia, or similar evidence of short-duration motor disturbances.

סטאלבו   5012.5200 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

סטאלבו 5012.5200 מג

inovamed pharma ltd, israel - carbidopa; entacapone; levodopa - טבליות מצופות פילם - levodopa 50 mg; carbidopa 12.5 mg; entacapone 200 mg - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor - treatment of patients with parkinson's disease and end-of-dose motor fluctuations not stabilised on levodopa/dopa decarboxylase (ddc) inhibitor treatment.

מיפלוניד אבקה לאינהלציה 200 מקגקפסולה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

מיפלוניד אבקה לאינהלציה 200 מקגקפסולה

novartis israel ltd - budesonide - קפסולות - budesonide 200 mcg - budesonide - budesonide - maintenance treatment of bronchial asthma.

זולאייר   150 מג ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

זולאייר 150 מג

novartis israel ltd - omalizumab - אבקה וממס להכנת תמיסה להזרקה - omalizumab 150 mg/dose - omalizumab - omalizumab - xolair is indicated for adults and adolescents (12 years of age and above) with moderate to severe persistent asthma who have a positive skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen and whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with inhaled corticosteroids. xolair has been shown to decrease the incidence of asthma exacerbations in these patients. safety and efficacy have not been established in other allergic conditions.

מווקס תמיסה ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

מווקס תמיסה

vitamed pharmaceutical industries ltd - bromhexine hydrochloride - תמיסה - bromhexine hydrochloride 2.00 mg/ml - bromhexine - bromhexine - bronchial mucolytic. it can also be given by inhalation as an aerosol solution.

נבנק ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


novartis israel ltd - nepafenac - תרחיף לעין - nepafenac 0.1 % - nepafenac - nepafenac - prevention and treatment of postoperative pain and inflammation associated with cataract surgery and reduction in the risk of postoperative macular oedema associated with cataract surgery in diabetic patients.