מיפג'ין ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health


a. lapidot pharmaceuticals, ltd - mifepristone - טבליה - mifepristone 200 mg - mifepristone - mifepristone - medical alternative to uterine suction for termination of intra-utrerine pregnancy: - up to and no later than 49 days of amenorrhea (seven weeks) - in sequential use with a prostaglandin analogue misoprostol 400 mcg per os administered 36 to 48 hours after mifegyne intake. under these conditions the association of mifepristone and prostaglandins leads to a success rate of about 95 per cent of the cases. preparation for the action of prostaglandin analogues in the termination of pregnancy for medical reason (beyond the first trimester). softening and dilatation of the cervix uteri prior to surgical termination of pregnancy during the first trimester.

צייטוטק 200 מקג טבליות ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

צייטוטק 200 מקג טבליות

pfizer pfe pharmaceuticals israel ltd - misoprostol - טבליה - misoprostol 200 mcg - misoprostol - misoprostol - for the treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcer.treatment and prevention nsaid induced ulcers lesions, erosions, while nsaid therapy continues.use in conjunction with mifepristone subject to the approval of a committee for the termination of pregnancy according to the israeli penal law 1977.first-trimester pregnancy failure: use is intended for emptying the uterus in states of first trimester pregnancy failure, including: presentation of a pregnancy sac in the uterus with no fetal echo, missed abortion (until week 11+6 and a fetus 40 mm in length) or incomplete abortion. the preparation is to be used after location of the sac in the uterus has been proved and the diagnosis of pregnancy failure is certain. the preparation can be used for this purpose in an ambulatory setting. the dosage and route of administration will be similar to the use of cytotec in pregnancy termination after using mifegyne. informed consent and medical surveillance are required.softening and dilation of the cervix for performing intraut

אייבו % 2 לילדים ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

אייבו % 2 לילדים

abic marketing ltd, israel - ibuprofen - תרחיף - ibuprofen 100 mg / 5 ml - ibuprofen

אייבו % 2 לילדים ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

אייבו % 2 לילדים

abic marketing ltd, israel - ibuprofen - תרחיף - ibuprofen 20 mg/ml - ibuprofen

אייבו % 2 לילדים ישראל - עברית - Ministry of Health

אייבו % 2 לילדים

abic marketing ltd, israel - ibuprofen - תרחיף - ibuprofen 100 mg / 5 ml - ibuprofen