MELATONINA NOXAREM Itàlia - italià - AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)

melatonina noxarem

vemedia manufacturing b.v. - melatonina - melatonina

Rivaroxaban Viatris (previously Rivaroxaban Mylan) Unió Europea - italià - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

rivaroxaban viatris (previously rivaroxaban mylan)

mylan ireland limited - rivaroxaban - venous thromboembolism; pulmonary embolism; acute coronary syndrome; stroke; coronary artery disease; peripheral arterial disease; atrial fibrillation - agenti antitrombotici - rivaroxaban mylan co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa) alone or with asa plus clopidogrel or ticlopidine, is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients after an acute coronary syndrome (acs) with elevated cardiac biomarkers.  rivaroxaban mylan co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa), is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients with coronary artery disease (cad) or symptomatic peripheral artery disease (pad) at high risk of ischaemic events.  ------prevention of venous thromboembolism (vte) in adult patients undergoing elective hip or knee replacement surgery.  treatment of deep vein thrombosis (dvt) and pulmonary embolism (pe), and prevention of recurrent dvt and pe in adults. -------adults prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult   patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing from 30 kg to 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing more than 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment.

BOISER 100 mg compresse Itàlia - italià - myHealthbox

boiser 100 mg compresse

crinos - cilostazolo - compresse - 100 mg - agenti antitrombotici, antiaggreganti piastrinici esclusa eparina - indicato per aumentare la distanza massima percorsa a piedi senza dolore in pazienti con claudicatio intermittens, senza dolore a riposo e senza necrosi dei tessuti periferici (arteriopatia periferica – classe fontaine ii). deve essere usato come trattamento secondario in pazienti in cui le modificazioni dello stile di vita (compreso smettere di fumare e programmi di esercizio fisico (sorvegliati)) ed altri opportuni interventi non siano riusciti a migliorare sufficientemente i sintomi della loro claudicatio intermittens.

DINTOINA Itàlia - italià - AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)


recordati industria chimica e farmaceutica s.p.a. - fenitoina - fenitoina

DINTOINALE Itàlia - italià - AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)


recordati industria chimica e farmaceutica s.p.a. - fenitoina, associazioni - fenitoina, associazioni

GAMIBETAL COMPLEX Itàlia - italià - AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)

gamibetal complex

laboratorio farmaceutico sit specialita igienico terapeutiche s.r.l. - derivati degli acidi grassi - derivati degli acidi grassi