PegIntron Европейский союз - румынский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - peginterferon alfa-2b - hepatita c, cronică - imunostimulante, - adults (tritherapy)pegintron in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy. vă rugăm să consultați ribavirină și boceprevir rezumatele caracteristicilor produsului (rcp), atunci când pegintron este de a fi utilizat în asociere cu aceste medicamente. adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)pegintron is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv. pegintron în asociere cu ribavirină (bitherapy) este indicat pentru tratamentul chc infecție la pacienții adulți care sunt netratați anterior, inclusiv la pacienții cu stare clinică stabilă, co-infecția hiv și la pacienții adulți care nu au răspuns la tratamentul anterior cu interferon alfa (pegilat sau non-pegilat) și ribavirină sau interferon-alfa în monoterapie. monoterapia cu interferon, inclusiv pegintron, este indicat în principal în caz de intoleranță sau contraindicație la ribavirină. vă rugăm să consultați rcp pentru ribavirină, în cazul în care pegintron este de a fi utilizat în asociere cu ribavirină. paediatric population (bitherapy)pegintron is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents who have chc, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna. atunci când se decide să nu pentru a amâna tratamentul până la vârsta adultă, este important să se ia în considerare faptul că terapia combinată a indus o inhibare a creșterii care poate fi ireversibilă la unii pacienți. decizia de a trata ar trebui să fie făcută de la caz la caz. vă rugăm să consultați rcp pentru ribavirină capsule sau soluție orală atunci când pegintron este de a fi utilizat în asociere cu ribavirină.

ViraferonPeg Европейский союз - английский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp dohme ltd  - peginterferon alfa-2b - hepatitis c, chronic - immunostimulants, - adults (tritherapy)viraferonpeg in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy.please refer to the ribavirin and boceprevir summaries of product characteristics (smpcs) when viraferonpeg is to be used in combination with these medicines.adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv.viraferonpeg in combination with ribavirin (bitherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chc infection in adult patients who are previously untreated including patients with clinically stable hiv co-infection and in adult patients who have failed previous treatment with interferon alpha (pegylated or non-pegylated) and ribavirin combination therapy or interferon alpha monotherapy.interferon monotherapy, including viraferonpeg, is indicated mainly in case of intolerance or contraindication to ribavirin.please refer to the ribavirin smpc when viraferonpeg is to be used in combination with ribavirin.paediatric population (bitherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents, who have chronic hepatitis c, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna.when deciding not to defer treatment until adulthood, it is important to consider that the combination therapy induced a growth inhibition that may be irreversible in some patients. the decision to treat should be made on a case-by-case basis.please refer to the ribavirin smpc for capsules or oral solution when viraferonpeg is to be used in combination with ribavirin.

PegIntron Европейский союз - испанский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - peginterferón alfa-2b - hepatitis c, crónica - inmunoestimulantes, - adults (tritherapy)pegintron in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy. por favor refiérase a la ribavirina y boceprevir los resúmenes de características del producto (smpcs) cuando pegintron es para ser utilizado en combinación con estos medicamentos. adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)pegintron is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv. pegintron en combinación con ribavirina (bitherapy) está indicado para el tratamiento de chc infección en pacientes adultos que son tratados previamente, incluyendo a los pacientes con vih clínicamente estable co-infección y en pacientes adultos que han fracasado a un tratamiento previo con interferón alfa (pegilado o no pegilado) y la terapia de combinación con ribavirina o interferón alfa en monoterapia. el interferón en monoterapia, incluyendo pegintron, está indicado principalmente en caso de intolerancia o contraindicación a la ribavirina. por favor, consulte la ficha técnica de la ribavirina cuando pegintron es para ser utilizado en combinación con ribavirina. paediatric population (bitherapy)pegintron is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents who have chc, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna. cuando la decisión de no diferir el tratamiento hasta la edad adulta, es importante considerar que la terapia de combinación indujo una inhibición del crecimiento que puede ser irreversible en algunos pacientes. la decisión de tratar debe hacerse caso por caso. por favor, consulte la ficha técnica de la ribavirina para cápsulas o solución oral cuando pegintron es para ser utilizado en combinación con ribavirina.

ViraferonPeg Европейский союз - испанский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp dohme ltd  - peginterferón alfa-2b - hepatitis c, crónica - inmunoestimulantes, - adults (tritherapy)viraferonpeg in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy. por favor refiérase a la ribavirina y boceprevir los resúmenes de características del producto (smpcs) cuando viraferonpeg es para ser utilizado en combinación con estos medicamentos. adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv. viraferonpeg en combinación con ribavirina (bitherapy) está indicado para el tratamiento de chc infección en pacientes adultos que son tratados previamente, incluyendo a los pacientes con vih clínicamente estable co-infección y en pacientes adultos que han fracasado a un tratamiento previo con interferón alfa (pegilado o no pegilado) y la terapia de combinación con ribavirina o interferón alfa en monoterapia. el interferón en monoterapia, incluyendo viraferonpeg, está indicado principalmente en caso de intolerancia o contraindicación a la ribavirina. por favor, consulte la ficha técnica de la ribavirina cuando viraferonpeg es para ser utilizado en combinación con ribavirina. paediatric population (bitherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents, who have chronic hepatitis c, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna. cuando la decisión de no diferir el tratamiento hasta la edad adulta, es importante considerar que la terapia de combinación indujo una inhibición del crecimiento que puede ser irreversible en algunos pacientes. la decisión de tratar debe hacerse caso por caso. por favor, consulte la ficha técnica de la ribavirina para cápsulas o solución oral cuando viraferonpeg es para ser utilizado en combinación con ribavirina.

IntronA Европейский союз - финский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - interferoni alfa-2b - carcinoid tumor; leukemia, hairy cell; lymphoma, follicular; hepatitis b, chronic; hepatitis c, chronic; leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive; melanoma; multiple myeloma - immunostimulantit, - krooninen hepatiitti btreatment aikuisille potilaille, joilla on krooninen hepatiitti b, jotka liittyvät todisteet hepatiitti-b-viruksen replikaatiota (läsnäolo dna-hepatiitti-b virus (hbv-dna) ja hepatiitti-b-antigeeni (hbeag), kohonnut alaniiniaminotransferaasi (alt) ja histologisesti todistettu aktiivinen maksatulehdus ja / tai fibroosi. krooninen b-hepatiitti ennen introna-hoidon aloittamista, on otettava huomioon tuloksia kliinisistä tutkimuksista, joissa verrataan introna: n kanssa pegyloitua interferoni. aikuisten patientsintrona on tarkoitettu aikuisille potilaille, joilla on krooninen c-hepatiitti ja jotka ovat koholla, mutta maksan toiminta ei ole heikentynyt ja jotka ovat positiivisia hepatiitti-c-viruksen rna (hcv-rna). paras tapa käyttää introna tässä indikaatiossa on yhdessä ribaviriinin kanssa. lapset kolme vuotta täyttäneille ja adolescentsintrona on tarkoitettu myös yhdistelmähoitoa ribaviriinin kanssa, lasten hoitoon kolme vuotta täyttäneille ja nuorille, joilla on krooninen hepatiitti c, ei ole aiemmin käsitelty, ilman, että maksan toiminta ei ole heikentynyt ja jotka ovat positiivinen hcv-rna. kun päätetään olla lykkäämättä hoitoa, kunnes aikuisikään, on tärkeää ottaa huomioon, että yhdistelmähoito aiheutti kasvun estäminen, joka johti vähentää lopullinen aikuisten korkeudella joillakin potilailla. päätös hoitoon olisi tehtävä tapaus tapaukselta perusteella. karvainen-cell leukaemiatreatment potilaiden karvasoluleukemian. krooninen myelooinen leukaemiamonotherapytreatment aikuisilla potilailla, joilla on philadelphia-kromosomi - tai bcr/abl-translokaatio-positiivinen krooninen myelooinen leukemia. kliininen kokemus osoittaa, että hematologinen ja sytogeneettinen merkittävä / vähäinen vaste saavutetaan suurin osa hoidetuista potilaista. merkittävä sytogeneettinen vaste on määritelty < 34 % ph+ - leukemiaa tuhoavaa soluja luuytimessä, ottaa huomioon, vähäinen vaste on ≥ 34 %, mutta < 90 % ph+ - soluja luuytimen. yhdistelmä therapythe yhdistelmä interferoni alfa-2b: n ja sytarabiinin (ara-c) annettuna aikana 12 ensimmäisen hoitokuukauden aikana on osoittautunut lisäävän merkittävästi tärkeintä sytogeneettistä vastauksia ja merkittävästi pidentää kokonaiselinaikaa kolmen vuoden jälkeen verrattuna interferoni alfa-2b: llä. useita myelomaas ylläpitohoidossa potilailla, joilla on saavutettu tavoite remissio (yli 50% vähennys myelooma proteiinia) induktiohoidossa. nykyinen kliininen kokemus osoittaa, että huolto-hoitoa yhdessä interferoni alfa-2b pidentää tasannevaiheessa; kuitenkin, vaikutuksia kokonaiselinaikaan ei ole vakuuttavasti osoitettu. follikulaarinen lymphomatreatment korkea-kasvain taakka follikulaarinen lymfooma kuten lisänä sopiva yhdistelmä induktiokemoterapia, kuten chop-kuin hoito. suuri kasvain taakka on määritelty, joilla on vähintään yksi seuraavista: iso kasvain massa (> 7 cm), mukana kolme tai enemmän solmukohtien sivustoja (kukin > 3 cm), systeemisiä oireita (painon menetys > 10 %, kuume > 38°c: ssa yli kahdeksan päivää, tai yöllinen hikoilu), splenomegalia kuin napa, suuret urut tukkeuma tai puristus oireyhtymä, silmäkuopan tai epiduraali osallistuminen, herainen effuusio, tai leukemia. karsinoidi tumourtreatment karsinoidisyndrooman kasvainten kanssa imusolmukkeissa tai maksassa etäpesäkkeitä ja 'karsinoidioireyhtymään'. pahanlaatuinen melanomaas liitännäishoitona potilaille, jotka ovat vapaita taudista leikkauksen jälkeen mutta joilla on korkea uusiutumisriski, e. potilailla, joilla on primaarinen tai toistuvia (kliinisesti tai histologisesti) imusolmukkeiden-solmu.

ViraferonPeg Европейский союз - венгерский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp dohme ltd  - a peginterferon alfa-2b. - hepatitis c, krónikus - immunostimulants, - adults (tritherapy)viraferonpeg in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin, boceprevir összefoglalók a termék jellemzői (smpcs), amikor a viraferonpeg használható kombinálva ezek a gyógyszerek. adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv. a viraferonpeg ribavirinnel kombinált (bitherapy) kezelésére javallt, a chc fertőzés felnőtt betegeknél, akik korábban nem kezelt, beleértve a betegek klinikailag stabil hiv-co-fertőzés felnőtt betegeknél, akiknek nem sikerült a korábbi interferon alfa (pegilált vagy nem pegilált), valamint a ribavirinnel kombinált kezelés vagy alfa-interferon monoterápia. az interferon monoterápia, beleértve a viraferonpeg, jelezte, főleg abban az esetben, intolerancia vagy-ellenjavallat, hogy a ribavirin. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin alkalmazási előírással, amikor a viraferonpeg használt ribavirin. paediatric population (bitherapy)viraferonpeg is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents, who have chronic hepatitis c, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna. ha úgy döntenek, hogy nem, hogy elhalasztja a kezelést, amíg a felnőttkort, fontos figyelembe venni, hogy a kombinált kezelés által kiváltott növekedés gátlás lehet, hogy visszafordíthatatlan egyes betegeknél. a döntés, hogy kezelni kell egy eseti alapon. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin alkalmazási előírással kapszula vagy szóbeli megoldás, ha a viraferonpeg használt ribavirin.

PegIntron Европейский союз - венгерский - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - a peginterferon alfa-2b. - hepatitis c, krónikus - immunostimulants, - adults (tritherapy)pegintron in combination with ribavirin and boceprevir (tritherapy) is indicated for the treatment of chronic-hepatitis-c (chc) genotype-1 infection in adult patients (18 years of age and older) with compensated liver disease who are previously untreated or who have failed previous therapy. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin, boceprevir összefoglalók a termék jellemzői (smpcs) ha a pegintront kombinálva használják ezeket a gyógyszereket. adults (bitherapy and monotherapy)pegintron is indicated for the treatment of adult patients (18 years of age and older) with chc who are positive for hepatitis-c-virus rna (hcv-rna), including patients with compensated cirrhosis and / or co-infected with clinically stable hiv. a pegintront a ribavirinnel kombinált (bitherapy) kezelésére javallt, a chc fertőzés felnőtt betegeknél, akik korábban nem kezelt, beleértve a betegek klinikailag stabil hiv-co-fertőzés felnőtt betegeknél, akiknek nem sikerült a korábbi interferon-alfa (pegilált vagy nem pegilált), valamint a ribavirinnel kombinált kezelés vagy alfa-interferon monoterápia. az interferon monoterápia, így a pegintron is, jelezte, főleg abban az esetben, intolerancia vagy-ellenjavallat, hogy a ribavirin. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin alkalmazási előírással, ha a pegintront ribavirinnel együtt alkalmazták. paediatric population (bitherapy)pegintron is indicated in a combination regimen with ribavirin for the treatment of children three years of age and older and adolescents who have chc, previously untreated, without liver decompensation, and who are positive for hcv-rna. ha úgy döntenek, hogy nem, hogy elhalasztja a kezelést, amíg a felnőttkort, fontos figyelembe venni, hogy a kombinált kezelés által kiváltott növekedés gátlás lehet, hogy visszafordíthatatlan egyes betegeknél. a döntés, hogy kezelni kell egy eseti alapon. kérjük, olvassa el a ribavirin alkalmazási előírással kapszula vagy szóbeli megoldás, ha a pegintront ribavirinnel együtt alkalmazták.

INTERFERON ALFA 2B CASSARA POLVO LIOFILIZADO PARA INYECTABLE Аргентина - испанский - ANMAT (Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica)

interferon alfa 2b cassara polvo liofilizado para inyectable

laboratorio pablo cassara s r l - interferon alfa 2 b humano - polvo liofilizado para inyectable - interferon alfa 2 b humano 3000000 ui / amp