Alunbrig Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


takeda pharma a/s - brigatinib - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi - alunbrig is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (alk)‑positive advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (nsclc) previously not treated with an alk inhibitor. alunbrig is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase alkpositive advanced nsclc previously treated with crizotinib.

Talzenna Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - talazoparib - neoplażmi tas-sider - aġenti antineoplastiċi - talzenna huwa indikat bħala monoterapija għall-kura ta ' pazjenti adulti bil-linja ġerminali brca1/2 mutazzjonijiet, li għandhom her2-negattivi avvanzat lokalment jew metastatiku tas-sider kanċer. patients should have been previously treated with an anthracycline and/or a taxane in the (neo)adjuvant, locally advanced or metastatic setting unless patients were not suitable for these treatments. pazjenti bl-ormon tat-riċettur (hr)-kanċer tas-sider posittiv għandhom kienu ttrattati minn qabel endokrinali bbażata fuq it-terapija, jew jiġu kkunsidrati bħala mhux tajbin għall-endokrinali-terapija bbażata fuq.

Pazenir Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ratiopharm gmbh - paclitaxel - neoplażmi tas-sider - aġenti antineoplastiċi - pazenir monoterapija hija indikata għat-trattament tal-kanċer metastatiku tas-sider f'pazjenti adulti li jkunu fallew l-kura tal-ewwel linja għall-mard metastatiku u li għalihom standard, terapija li jkun fiha anthracycline ma tkunx indikata. pazenir f'kombinazzjoni ma 'carboplatin huwa indikat għall-kura tal-ewwel linja ta taċ-ċelluli mhux żgħar tal-pulmun il-kanċer fil-pazjenti adulti li mhumiex kandidati għall-potenzjalment kurattiva-kirurġija u/jew terapija ta' radjazzjoni.

Ayvakyt Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


blueprint medicines (netherlands) b.v. - avapritinib - tumur stromali gastrointestinali - aġenti antineoplastiċi oħra, inibituri tal-proteina kinase - ayvakyt is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumours (gist) harbouring the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (pdgfra) d842v mutation.

Tukysa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


seagen b.v. - tucatinib - breast neoplasms; neoplasm metastasis - aġenti antineoplastiċi - tukysa is indicated in combination with trastuzumab and capecitabine for the treatment of adult patients with her2‑positive locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer who have received at least 2 prior anti‑her2 treatment regimens.

Imatinib Koanaa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

imatinib koanaa

koanaa healthcare gmbh - imatinib mesilate - leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive; precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; myelodysplastic-myeloproliferative diseases; hypereosinophilic syndrome; dermatofibrosarcoma; gastrointestinal stromal tumors - aġenti antineoplastiċi - imatinib koanaa is indicated for the treatment ofadult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia chromosome (bcr-abl) positive (ph+) chronic myeloid leukaemia (cml) for whom bone marrow transplantation is not considered as the first line of treatment. adult and paediatric patients with ph+ cml in chronic phase after failure of interferon-alpha therapy, or in accelerated phase or blast crisis. adult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ph+ all) integrated with chemotherapy. adult patients with relapsed or refractory ph+ all as monotherapy. adult patients with myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases (mds/mpd) associated with platelet-derived growth factor receptor (pdgfr) gene re-arrangements. adult patients with advanced hypereosinophilic syndrome (hes) and/or chronic eosinophilic leukaemia (cel) with fip1l1-pdgfrα rearrangement. the effect of imatinib on the outcome of bone marrow transplantation has not been determined. imatinib koanaa is indicated forthe treatment of adult patients with kit (cd 117) positive unresectable and/or metastatic malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumours (gist). the adjuvant treatment of adult patients who are at significant risk of relapse following resection of kit (cd117)-positive gist. pazjenti li għandhom livell baxx jew l-riskju baxx ħafna ta ' rikorrenza m'għandhomx jirċievu kura awżiljarja. the treatment of adult patients with unresectable dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (dfsp) and adult patients with recurrent and/or metastatic dfsp who are not eligible for surgery. in adult and paediatric patients, the effectiveness of imatinib is based on overall haematological and cytogenetic response rates and progression-free survival in cml, on haematological and cytogenetic response rates in ph+ all, mds/mpd, on haematological response rates in hes/cel and on objective response rates in adult patients with unresectable and/or metastatic gist and dfsp and on recurrence-free survival in adjuvant gist. the experience with imatinib in patients with mds/mpd associated with pdgfr gene re-arrangements is very limited (see section 5. Ħlief fil għadhom kif ġew dijanjostikati cml ta ' fażi kronika, m'hemmx provi kliniċi li juru benefiċċju kliniku jew żieda fis-sopravivenza għal dawn il-mard.

Tavneos Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vifor fresenius medical care renal pharma france - avacopan - microscopic polyangiitis; wegener granulomatosis - immunosoppressanti - tavneos, in combination with a rituximab or cyclophosphamide regimen, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with severe, active granulomatosis with polyangiitis (gpa) or microscopic polyangiitis (mpa).

Gavreto Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh  - pralsetinib - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi - gavreto is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with rearranged during transfection (ret) fusion-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer (nsclc) not previously treated with a ret inhibitor.

Kinpeygo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


stada arzneimittel ag - budesonide, micronised - glomerulonephritis, iga - antidiarrheals, intestinali anti-infjammatorji / antiinfective aġenti - kinpeygo is indicated for the treatment of primary immunoglobulin a (iga) nephropathy (igan) in adults at risk of rapid disease progression with a urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (upcr) ≥1. 5 g/gram.

Tabrecta Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited  - capmatinib dihydrochloride monohydrate - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi - tabrecta as monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer (nsclc) harbouring alterations leading to mesenchymal epithelial transition factor gene exon 14 (metex14) skipping, who require systemic therapy following prior treatment with immunotherapy and/or platinum based chemotherapy.