Duavive Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - l-estroġeni kkonjugati, bazedoxifene - postmenopause - konjugat estroġeni u l-bazedoxifene - duavive huwa indikat għall -: it-trattament ta'defiċjenza fl-oestrogen is-sintomi f'nisa wara l-menopawża b'utru (b'mill-inqas 12-il xahar mill-aħħar pirjid) li għalihom it-trattament b'progestogen li fihom it-terapija ma tkunx xierqa. l-esperjenza ta'kura fin-nisa ta'aktar minn 65 sena hija limitata.

Vaxneuvance Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v.  - pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (adsorbed) - infezzjonijiet pnewmokokkali - pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated - vaxneuvance is indicated for active immunisation for the prevention of invasive disease, pneumonia and acute otitis media caused by streptococcus pneumoniae in infants, children and adolescents from 6 weeks to less than 18 years of age. vaxneuvance is indicated for active immunisation for the prevention of invasive disease and pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumoniae in individuals 18 years of age and older. ara t-taqsimiet 4. 4 u 5. 1 għal informazzjoni dwar il-protezzjoni kontra serotipi pnewmokokkiċi speċifiċi. the use of vaxneuvance should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Nimenrix Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - neisseria meningitidis group a polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group c polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group w-135 polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group y polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid - meninġite, meningokokkali - vaċċini - nimenrix huwa indikat għall-immunizzazzjoni attiva ta 'individwi mill-età ta' 6 ġimgħat kontra mard invażiv meningokokkali kkawżat minn neisseria meningitidis grupp a, c, w-135, u y.

Menveo Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gsk vaccines s.r.l. - grupp meningokokkali a, c, w-135 u y konjugat - immunization; meningitis, meningococcal - vaċċini batteriċi - vialsmenveo huwa indikat għall-immunizzazzjoni attiva tat-tfal (minn sentejn), l-adoloxxenti u l-adulti f'riskju ta ' espożizzjoni għall-neisseria meningitidis gruppi a, c, w135 u y, għall-prevenzjoni tal-marda invażiva. l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

MenQuadfi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi pasteur - neisseria meningitidis group c polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group a polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group y polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid, neisseria meningitidis group w-135 polysaccharide conjugated to tetanus toxoid - meninġite, meningokokkali - vaċċini - menquadfi is indicated for active immunisation of individuals from the age of 12 months and older against invasive meningococcal disease caused by neisseria meningitidis serogroups a, c, w, and y. the use of this vaccine should be in accordance with available official recommendations.

Improvac Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


zoetis belgium sa - synthetic peptide analogue of gnrf conjugated to diptheria toxoid - immunoloġiċi għal suidae - male pigs (from 8 weeks of age); female pigs (from 14 weeks of age) - male pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of testicular function. for use as an alternative to physical castration for the reduction of boar taint caused by the key boar taint compound androstenone, in entire male pigs following the onset of puberty. kontributur ewlieni ieħor għall-tifqigħa tal-ħanżir, skatole, jista 'jitnaqqas ukoll bħala effett indirett. mġieba aggressiva u sesswali (immuntar) huma wkoll imnaqqsa. female pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of ovarian function (suppression of oestrus) in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in gilts intended for slaughter, and to reduce the associated sexual behaviour (standing oestrus).

Hexacima Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi pasteur - hepatitis b surface antigen, diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, bordetella pertussis antigens pertussis toxoid filamentous haemagglutinin, poliovirus (inactivated) type 1 (mahoney) type 2 (mef-1) type 3 (saukett), haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate) conjugated to tetanus protein - hepatitis b; tetanus; immunization; meningitis, haemophilus; whooping cough; poliomyelitis; diphtheria - vaccines, bacterial and viral vaccines, combined - hexacima (dtap-ipv-hb-hib) huwa indikat għat-tilqim primarja u booster tat-trabi u toddlers minn sitt ġimgħat ta ' età kontra diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, epatite b, poliomyelitis u invażivi mard ikkawżat minn influwenza Ħemofillika tip b (hib). l-użu ta ' dan il-vaċċin għandha tkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Vaxelis Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


mcm vaccine b.v. - toxoid tad-difterite, toxoid tat-tetnu, bordetella-antiġeni tal-pertussis: toxoid tal-pertussis, filamentużi haemagglutinin, pertactin, fimbriae tipi 2 u 3, l-epatite b-antiġen tal-wiċċ prodott f'ċelloli tal-ħmira, poliovirus (inattivat): tat-tip 1 (mahoney), it-tip 2 (mef-1), it-tip 3 (saukett) prodott f'ċelloli vero/ haemophilus influenzae tat-tip b polysaccharide (polyribosylribitol phosphate) konjugat meningokokkali-proteina. - meningitis, haemophilus; poliomyelitis; tetanus; diphtheria; whooping cough; hepatitis b - vaċċini - vaxelis (dtap-hb-ipv-hib) huwa indikat għall-vaċċinazzjoni primarja u booster fit-trabi u toddlers mill-età ta ' 6 ġimgħat, kontra diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, epatite b, poliomyelitis u invażivi mard ikkawżat minn influwenza Ħemofillika tip b (hib). l-użu ta 'vaxelis għandu jkun skond ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali.

Infanrix Hexa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

infanrix hexa

glaxosmithkline biologicals s.a. - diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, bordetella pertussis antigens (pertussis toxoid, filamentous haemagglutinin, pertactin), hepatitis b surface antigen, poliovirus (inactivated) (type-1 (mahoney strain), type-2 (mef-1 strain), type-3 (saukett strain)), haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide - hepatitis b; tetanus; immunization; meningitis, haemophilus; whooping cough; poliomyelitis; diphtheria - vaċċini - infanrix hexa huwa indikat għall-vaċċinazzjoni primarja u booster tat-trabi kontra diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, epatite b, poliomyelitis u mard ikkawżat minn influwenza Ħemofillika tip-b.

Prevenar Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer limited - pneumococcal oligosaccharide serotype 18c, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 19f, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 23f, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 4, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 6b, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 9v, pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 14 - pneumococcal infections; immunization - vaċċini - attiva tilqim kontra mard ikkawżat minn streptococcus pneumoniae serotipi 4, 6b, 9v, 14, 18 c, 19f u 23f (inklużi sepsis, meninġite, pnewmonja, bacteraemia u otiti medja akuta) fit-trabi u tfal minn xahrejn sa ħames snin ta ' età. l-użu ta 'prevenar għandu jkun stabbilit fuq il-bażi ta' rakkomandazzjonijiet uffiċjali filwaqt li jitqiesu l-impatt ta 'mard invażiv fi gruppi differenti ta' età, kif ukoll il-varjabilità tal-epidemjoloġija tas-serotip f'żoni ġeografiċi differenti.