Eptifibatide Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

eptifibatide accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - eptifibatide - infart mijokardijaku - aġenti antitrombotiċi - eptifibatide accord huwa maħsub għall-użu ma 'acetylsalicylic acid u heparin mhux frazzjonat. eptifibatide qbil huwa indikat għall-prevenzjoni ta 'infart mijokardijaku bikri fl-adulti li jippreżentaw b'anġina instabbli jew mhux-mewġa-q infart mijokardijaku, bl-aħħar episodju ta' uġigħ fis-sider li jseħħu fi żmien 24 siegħa u ma ' l-elettrokardjogramma (ecg) il-bidliet u/jew enzimi kardijaċi elevati. il-pazjenti l-aktar probabbli li jibbenefikaw mill-eptifibatide qbil-trattament huma dawk f'riskju għoli li jiżviluppaw infart mijokardijaku fi żmien l-ewwel 3-4 ijiem wara l-bidu ta 'anġina' sintomi, inkluż pereżempju dawk li huma probabbli li jgħaddu minn kmieni ptca (koronarju perkutanju transluminali angioplasty).

Integrilin Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


glaxosmithkline (ireland) limited - eptifibatide - angina, unstable; myocardial infarction - aġenti antitrombotiċi - integrilin huwa maħsub għall-użu ma 'acetylsalicylic acid u heparin mhux frazzjonat. integrilin huwa indikat għall-prevenzjoni ta 'infart mijokardijaku bikri f'pazjenti li jippreżentaw b'anġina instabbli jew mhux-mewġa-q infart mijokardijaku bl-aħħar episodju ta' uġigħ fis-sider li jseħħu fi żmien 24 siegħa u mal-bidliet fl-ecg u / jew enzimi kardijaċi elevati. il-pazjenti l-aktar probabbli li jibbenefikaw mill-integrilin-trattament huma dawk f'riskju għoli li jiżviluppaw infart mijokardijaku fi żmien l-ewwel 3-4 ijiem wara l-bidu ta 'anġina' sintomi, inkluż pereżempju dawk li huma probabbli li jgħaddu minn kmieni koronarju perkutanju transluminali l-anġoplastika (ptca).

Kadcyla Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


roche registration gmbh - trastuzumab emtansine - neoplażmi tas-sider - aġenti antineoplastiċi - kanċer tas-sider bikri (ebc)kadcyla, bħala sustanza waħedha, huwa indikat għall-kura awżiljarja ta ' pazjenti adulti b'her2 pożittiv għall-kanċer tas-sider bikri li jkollhom residwu tal-marda invażiva, fis-sider u/jew fil-glandoli limfatiċi, wara miżjuda fil-bidu taxane-bbażata u her2-terapija fil-mira. kanċer metastatiku tas-sider (mbc)kadcyla, bħala sustanza waħedha, huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' pazjenti adulti b'her2 pożittiv, li ma jistgħax jitneħħa kirurġikament, lokalment avvanzat jew metastatiku tas-sider kanċer li qabel ikunu ħadu trastuzumab u taxane, separatament jew flimkien. il-pazjenti għandu jkollhom jew:rċevew qabel terapija għall-marda lokalment avvanzata jew metastatika, ordeveloped mard tal-rikorrenza waqt jew fi żmien sitt xhur minn meta temmew terapija miżjuda.

Pradaxa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


boehringer ingelheim international gmbh - dabigatran etexilate mesilate - arthroplasty, replacement; venous thromboembolism - aġenti antitrombotiċi - pradaxa 75 mgprimary il-prevenzjoni ta 'każi trombo-emboliċi venużi f'pazjenti adulti li kellhom operazzjoni mhux urġenti operazzjoni tas-sostituzzjoni totali tal-ġenbejn jew totali ta' l-irkobba. pradaxa 110 mgprimary il-prevenzjoni ta 'każi trombo-emboliċi venużi f'pazjenti adulti li kellhom operazzjoni mhux urġenti operazzjoni tas-sostituzzjoni totali tal-ġenbejn jew totali ta' l-irkobba. il-prevenzjoni ta 'puplesija u emboliżmu sistematiku f'pazjenti adulti b'nuqqas valvulari fibrillazzjoni atrijali (nvaf), ma'wieħed jew aktar fatturi ta' riskju, bħal qabel puplesija jew attakk iskemiku temporanju (tia); età ≥ 75-il sena; insuffiċjenza tal-qalb (nyha klassi ≥ ii); id-dijabete mellitus; pressjoni għolja. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. pradaxa 150 mgprevention ta 'puplesija u emboliżmu sistematiku f'pazjenti adulti b'nuqqas valvulari fibrillazzjoni atrijali (nvaf), ma'wieħed jew aktar fatturi ta' riskju, bħal qabel puplesija jew attakk iskemiku temporanju (tia); età ≥ 75-il sena; insuffiċjenza tal-qalb (nyha klassi ≥ ii); id-dijabete mellitus; pressjoni għolja. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti.

Dabigatran Etexilate Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

dabigatran etexilate accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - dabigatran etexilate mesilate - venous thromboembolism; arthroplasty, replacement - aġenti antitrombotiċi - prevention of venous thromboembolic events.

Lixiana Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


daiichi sankyo europe gmbh - edoxaban tosilate - stroke; venous thromboembolism - aġenti antitrombotiċi - prevenzjoni ta ' stroke u moћћ sistematiku fil-pazjenti adulti bl-fibrillation atrial nonvalvular (nvaf) b ' waħda jew aktar fatturi tar-riskju, bħal konġestiva, ipertensjoni, età ≥ 75 sena, id-diabete mellitus, stroke minn qabel jew ischaemic għaddiena attakk) tia). trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti.

Roteas Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


berlin-chemie ag - edoxaban tosilate - stroke; venous thromboembolism - aġenti antitrombotiċi - prevenzjoni ta ' stroke u moћћ sistematiku fil-pazjenti adulti bl-fibrillation atrial nonvalvular (nvaf) b ' waħda jew aktar fatturi tar-riskju, bħal konġestiva, ipertensjoni, età ≥ 75 sena, id-diabete mellitus, stroke minn qabel jew ischaemic għaddiena attakk) tia). trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti.

Xarelto Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bayer ag - rivaroxaban - arthroplasty, replacement; venous thromboembolism - aġenti antitrombotiċi - xarelto, mogħti flimkien ma 'acetylsalicylic acid (asa) waħdu jew ma' asa flimkien ma ' clopidogrel jew ticlopidine, huwa indikat għall-prevenzjoni ta'avvenimenti aterotrombotiċi f'pazjenti adulti wara l-sindromu koronarju akut (acs) mal-bijomarkaturi kardijaċi għoljin. xarelto, co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa), is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients with coronary artery disease (cad) or symptomatic peripheral artery disease (pad) at high risk of ischaemic events. prevenzjoni ta ' l-thromboembolism venous (vte) fil-pazjenti adulti li għaddejjin minn elettiva għadma jew irkoppa sostituzzjoni kirurġija. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. adultsprevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing from 30 kg to 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing more than 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment.

Rivaroxaban Accord Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

rivaroxaban accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - rivaroxaban - acute coronary syndrome; coronary artery disease; peripheral arterial disease; venous thromboembolism; stroke; atrial fibrillation; pulmonary embolism - aġenti antitrombotiċi - prevenzjoni ta ' l-thromboembolism venous (vte) fil-pazjenti adulti li għaddejjin minn elettiva għadma jew irkoppa sostituzzjoni kirurġija. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. (see section 4. 4 for haemodynamically unstable pe patients. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. (see section 4. 4 għall-emodinamikament instabbli pe pazjenti). adultsprevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. (see section 4. 4 for haemodynamically unstable pe patients. )paediatric populationtreatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing from 30 kg to 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment. rivaroxaban accord, co administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa) alone or with asa plus ticlopidine, is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients after an acute coronary syndrome (acs) with elevated cardiac biomarkers (see sections 4. 3, 4. 4 u 5. rivaroxaban accord, co administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa), is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients with coronary artery disease (cad) or symptomatic peripheral artery disease (pad) at high risk of ischaemic events. adultsprevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack. trattament ta 'trombożi f' vina fonda (dvt) u emboliżmu pulmonari (pe), u l-prevenzjoni tar-rikorrenti dvt u pe fl-adulti. (see section 4. 4 for haemodynamically unstable pe patients. )paediatric populationtreatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing more than 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment.

Rivaroxaban Viatris (previously Rivaroxaban Mylan) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

rivaroxaban viatris (previously rivaroxaban mylan)

mylan ireland limited - rivaroxaban - venous thromboembolism; pulmonary embolism; acute coronary syndrome; stroke; coronary artery disease; peripheral arterial disease; atrial fibrillation - aġenti antitrombotiċi - rivaroxaban mylan co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa) alone or with asa plus clopidogrel or ticlopidine, is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients after an acute coronary syndrome (acs) with elevated cardiac biomarkers.  rivaroxaban mylan co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid (asa), is indicated for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients with coronary artery disease (cad) or symptomatic peripheral artery disease (pad) at high risk of ischaemic events.  ------prevention of venous thromboembolism (vte) in adult patients undergoing elective hip or knee replacement surgery.  treatment of deep vein thrombosis (dvt) and pulmonary embolism (pe), and prevention of recurrent dvt and pe in adults. -------adults prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in adult   patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, age ≥ 75 years, diabetes mellitus, prior stroke or transient ischaemic attack. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing from 30 kg to 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment. paediatric population treatment of venous thromboembolism (vte) and prevention of vte recurrence in children and adolescents aged less than 18 years and weighing more than 50 kg after at least 5 days of initial parenteral anticoagulation treatment.