Abiraterone Mylan Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

abiraterone mylan

mylan ireland limited - abiraterone acetate - neoplasmi prostatiċi - endocrine therapy, other hormone antagonists and related agents - abiraterone mylan is indicated with prednisone or prednisolone for:the treatment of newly diagnosed high risk metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in adult men in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (adt). the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mcrpc) in adult men who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated. the treatment of mcrpc in adult men whose disease has progressed on or after a docetaxel based chemotherapy regimen.

Abiraterone Krka Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

abiraterone krka

krka, d.d., novo mesto - abiraterone acetate - neoplasmi prostatiċi - terapija endokrinali - abiraterone krka is indicated with prednisone or prednisolone for:the treatment of newly diagnosed high risk metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in adult men in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (adt) (see section 5. 1)the treatment of metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mcrpc) in adult men who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated (see section 5. 1)the treatment of mcrpc in adult men whose disease has progressed on or after a docetaxel-based chemotherapy regimen.

Optaflu Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


seqirus gmbh - virus tal-influwenza antiġeni tal-wiċċ (haemagglutinin u neuraminidase), inattivati, tar-razez li ġejjin:/california/7/2009 (h1n1)pdm09 - like strain(a/brisbane/10/2010, tat-tip selvaġġ)a/svizzera/9715293/2013 (h3n2) like strain(a/nofsinhar l-awstralja/55/2014, tat-tip selvaġġ)b/kulħadd jinstemgħu/3073/2013–like strain(b/utah/9/2014, tat-tip selvaġġ) - influenza, human; immunization - vaċċini - profilassi tal-influwenza għall-adulti, speċjalment f'dawk li għandhom riskju ogħla ta 'kumplikazzjonijiet assoċjati. optaflu m'għandu jintuża skont il-gwida uffiċjali.

Avandamet Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


smithkline beecham plc - rosiglitazone, metformin hydrochloride - diabetes mellitus, tip 2 - drogi użati fid-dijabete - avandamet huwa indikat fit-trattament tad-dijabete tat-tip 2 mellitus il-pazjenti, l-aktar dawk b'piż żejjed:li ma laħqux kontroll gliċemiku suffiċjenti fl-għola doża ttollerata ta ' metformin mill-ħalq waħdu. f'terapija orali trippla ma 'mediċina tat-tip sulphonylurea, f'pazjenti b'kontroll gliċemiku insuffiċjenti minkejja terapija doppja mill-ħalq bl-ogħla doża ttollerata ta' metformin u sulphonylurea (ara sezzjoni 4.

Avandia Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


smithkline beecham plc - rosiglitazone - diabetes mellitus, tip 2 - drogi użati fid-dijabete - rosiglitazone hu indikat fit-trattament tad-dijabete tat-tip 2 mellitus:bħala monotherapija-fil-pazjenti (speċjalment pażjenti b'piż żejjed) li mhumiex ikkontrollati biżżejjed bid-dieta u l-eżerċizzju li għalihom metformin mhux adattat minħabba kontra-indikazzjonijiet jew intoleranceas terapija dupliċi orali flimkien ma '-metformin, f'pazjenti (speċjalment pażjenti b'piż żejjed) b'kontroll gliċemiku insuffiċjenti minkejja l-ogħla doża ttollerata ta ' monoterapija b'metformin-sulphonylurea, biss f'pazjenti li juru intolleranza għal metformina jew li għalihom il-metformin huwa kontra-indikat, b'kontroll gliċemiku insuffiċjenti minkejja monoterapija b'sulphonylureaas terapija orali trippla flimkien ma ' -metformin u mediċina tat-tip sulphonylurea, f'pazjenti (speċjalment pażjenti b'piż żejjed) b'kontroll gliċemiku insuffiċjenti minkejja terapija doppja mill-ħalq (ara sezzjoni 4.

Beyfortus Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - nirsevimab - sera immuni u immunoglobulini, - beyfortus is indicated for the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) lower respiratory tract disease in neonates and infants during their first rsv season. beyfortus should be used in accordance with official recommendations.

Nubeqa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bayer ag - darolutamide - prostatika neoplażmi, il-kastrazzjoni-reżistenti - terapija endokrinali - nubeqa is indicated for the treatment of adult men with- non metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (nmcrpc) who are at high risk of developing metastatic disease (see section 5. - metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in combination with docetaxel and androgen deprivation therapy (see section 5.

Xtandi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astellas pharma europe b.v. - enzalutamide - neoplasmi prostatiċi - terapija endokrinali - xtandi is indicated for:the treatment of adult men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mhspc) in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (see section 5. the treatment of adult men with high-risk non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (crpc) (see section 5. the treatment of adult men with metastatic crpc who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated (see section 5. the treatment of adult men with metastatic crpc whose disease has progressed on or after docetaxel therapy.

Clopidogrel Viatris (previously Clopidogrel Taw Pharma) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

clopidogrel viatris (previously clopidogrel taw pharma)

viatris limited - clopidogrel besilate - peripheral vascular diseases; stroke; myocardial infarction - aġenti antitrombotiċi - secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events clopidogrel is indicated in:adult patients suffering from myocardial infarction (from a few days until less than 35 days), ischemic stroke (from 7 days until less than 6 months) or established peripheral arterial disease. adult patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome. non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina or non-q-wave myocardial infarction), including patients undergoing a stent placement following percutaneous coronary intervention, in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (asa). elevazzjoni tas-segment st infart mijokardijaku akut, flimkien ma ' asa f'medikament pazjenti kkurati b'eliġibbli għat-terapija trombolitika. in patients with moderate to high-risk transient ischaemic attack (tia) or minor ischaemic stroke (is) clopidogrel in combination with asa is indicated in:adult patients with moderate to high-risk tia (abcd2 score ≥4) or minor is (nihss ≤3) within 24 hours of either the tia or is event. prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation:in adult patients with atrial fibrillation who have at least one risk factor for vascular events, are not suitable for treatment with vitamin k antagonists (vka) and who have a low bleeding risk, clopidogrel is indicated in combination with asa for the prevention of atherothrombotic and thromboembolic events, including stroke. għall-aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok irreferi għal sezzjoni 5.

Stivarga Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bayer pharma ag - regorafenib - neoplażmi kolorettali - antineoplastic agents, protein kinase inhibitors - stivarga huwa indikat bħala monoterapija għall-kura ta ' pazjenti adulti bil:kanċer metastatiku tal-kolorektum (crc) li kienu kkurati minn qabel b', jew mhumiex ikkunsidrati li huma kandidati għall, disponibbli terapiji - dawn jinkludu kimoterapija bbażata fuq fluoropyrimidine, kontra l-vegf-terapija u anti-egfr-terapija;li ma jistgħax jitneħħa kirurġikament, jew li mmetastatizza tumuri stromali gastro-intestinali (gist) li mexa fuq jew li huma intolleranti għal qabel għal trattament b'imatinib u sunitinib;karċinoma epatoċellulari (hcc) li kienu kkurati minn qabel b'sorafenib.