Insulin Human Winthrop Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

insulin human winthrop

sanofi-aventis deutschland gmbh - insulin human - diabetes mellitus - drogi użati fid-dijabete - dijabete mellitus fejn huwa meħtieġ it-trattament bl-insulina. insulina bniedem winthrop mgħaġġla huwa wkoll adattat għat-trattament ta ' koma hyperglycaemic u ketoacidosis, kif ukoll għall-kisba minn qabel, intra - u postoperative stabbilizzazzjoni fil-pazjenti bl-diabetes mellitus.

Insuman Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sanofi-aventis deutschland gmbh - insulin human - diabetes mellitus - drogi użati fid-dijabete - dijabete mellitus fejn huwa meħtieġ it-trattament bl-insulina. insuman rapid huwa wkoll adattat għall-kura ta 'koma ipergliċemika u ketoaċidożi, kif ukoll għall-kisba ta' stabilizzazzjoni minn qabel, intra u wara l-operazzjoni f'pazjenti bid-dijabete mellitus.

Veltassa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vifor fresenius medical care renal pharma france - patiromer sorbitex calcium - iperkalemija - - mediċini għal-kura tal-iperkalimja u ' l-iperphosphatemija - veltassa huwa indikat għall-kura ta 'iperkalimja fl-adulti.

Tezspire Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - tezepelumab - ażma - mediċini għall-imblokkar tal-passaġġ tan-nifs mard, - tezspire is indicated as an add-on maintenance treatment in adults and adolescents 12 years and older with severe asthma who are inadequately controlled despite high dose inhaled corticosteroids plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatment.

Cyanokit Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


serb sa - hydroxocobalamin - avvelenament - il-prodotti terapewtiċi l-oħra kollha - trattament ta 'avvelenament magħruf jew suspettat ta' cyanide. cyanokit għandu jingħata flimkien ma adegwati ta ' dekontaminazzjoni u miżuri ta'appoġġ.

Noxafil Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp and dohme b.v - posaconazole - candidiasis; mycoses; coccidioidomycosis; aspergillosis - antimikotiċi għal użu sistemiku - noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections  4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease (gvhd) and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil gastro resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil gastro-resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2  years of age:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- haematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see section 5. 1): il - każ tal-asperġillożi invażiva f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b jew itraconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal dawn il-prodotti mediċinali; l - fusarjożi f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal amphotericin b;- kromoblastomikożi u miċetoma f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal itraconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal itraconazole;- kokkidajojdomikożi f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b, itraconazole jew fluconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal dawn il-prodotti mediċinali;- kandidijażi orofarinġali: bħala l-kura preferita f'pazjenti li għandhom mard sever jew li huma immunokompromessi, li r-rispons għal terapija topika hija mistennija li tkun fqir. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil oral suspension is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following patients:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis.

Latuda Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


aziende chimiche riunite angelini francesco s.p.a. - lurasidone - skizofrenija - psikolettiċi - trattament ta 'l-iskiżofrenija f'adulti ta' 18-il sena jew aktar.

Kivexa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viiv healthcare bv - abacavir, lamivudine - infezzjonijiet ta 'hiv - antivirals for treatment of hiv infections, combinations, antivirals for systemic use - kivexa huwa indikat fit-terapija kombinata antiretrovirali għat-trattament ta 'infezzjoni tal-virus ta' immunodefiċjenza umana (hiv) f'adulti, adolexxenti u tfal li jiżnu mill-inqas 25 kg. qabel ma tinbeda kura b'abacavir, screening għall-ġarr ta ' l-allel hla-b*5701 għandhom isiru fi kwalunkwe pazjent infettat bl-hiv, irrispettavament mir-razza. abacavir m'għandux jintuża f'pazjenti magħrufa li jġorru l-allel hla-b*5701.

Trevicta (previously Paliperidone Janssen) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

trevicta (previously paliperidone janssen)

janssen-cilag international nv - palmpalidone palmitate - skizofrenija - psikolettiċi - trevita, injezzjoni ta '3 xhur, hija indikata għat-trattament ta' manteniment ta 'l-iskiżofrenja f'pazjenti adulti li huma klinikament stabbli fuq prodott ta' paliperidone palmitat wieħed li jista 'jiġi injettat kull xahar.

Intrarosa Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


endoceutics s.a. - prasterone - postmenopause - oħrajn tal-ormoni tas-sess u modulaturi ta ' l-ġenitali-sistema - intrarosa hija indikata għat-trattament ta 'atrofija vulvari u vaġinali fin-nisa wara l-menopawża li għandhom sintomi moderati sa severi.