TachoSil Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


corza medical gmbh - cilvēka fibrinogēns, cilvēka trombīns - hemostāze, ķirurģija - antihemorāģija - tachosil is indicated in adults and children from 1 month of age for supportive treatment in surgery for improvement of haemostasis, to promote tissue sealing and for suture support in vascular surgery where standard techniques are insufficient. tachosil is indicated in adults for supportive sealing of the dura mater to prevent postoperative cerebrospinal leakage following neurological surgery (see section 5.

Skysona Eiropas Savienība - latviešu - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bluebird bio (netherlands) b.v. - elivaldogene autotemcel - adrenoleukodystrophy - other nervous system drugs - treatment of early cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy in patients less than 18 years of age, with an abcd1 genetic mutation, and for whom a human leukocyte antigen (hla) matched sibling haematopoietic stem cell donor is not available.