Kalydeco Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vertex pharmaceuticals (ireland) limited - ivacaftor - cistična fibroza - drugi proizvodi respiratornog sustava - kalydeco tablets are indicated:as monotherapy for the treatment of adults, adolescents, and children aged 6 years and older and weighing 25 kg or more with cystic fibrosis (cf) who have an r117h cftr mutation or one of the following gating (class iii) mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr) gene: g551d, g1244e, g1349d, g178r, g551s, s1251n, s1255p, s549n or s549r (see sections 4. 4 i 5. in a combination regimen with tezacaftor/ivacaftor tablets for the treatment of adults, adolescents, and children aged 6 years and older with cystic fibrosis (cf) who are homozygous for the f508del mutation or who are heterozygous for the f508del mutation and have one of the following mutations in the cftr gene: p67l, r117c, l206w, r352q, a455e, d579g, 711+3a→g, s945l, s977f, r1070w, d1152h, 2789+5g→a, 3272 26a→g, and 3849+10kbc→t. in a combination regimen with ivacaftor/tezacaftor/elexacaftor tablets for the treatment of adults, adolescents, and children aged 6 years and older with cystic fibrosis (cf) who have at least one f508del mutation in the cftr gene (see section 5. kalydeco granules are indicated for the treatment of infants aged at least 4 months, toddlers and children weighing 5 kg to less than 25 kg with cystic fibrosis (cf) who have an r117h cftr mutation or one of the following gating (class iii) mutations in the cftr gene: g551d, g1244e, g1349d, g178r, g551s, s1251n, s1255p, s549n or s549r (see sections 4. 4 i 5. in a combination regimen with ivacaftor/tezacaftor/elexacaftor for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (cf) in paediatric patients aged 2 to less than 6 years who have at least one f508del mutation in the cftr gene.

Kaftrio Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vertex pharmaceuticals (ireland) limited - ivacaftor, tezacaftor, elexacaftor - cistična fibroza - drugi proizvodi respiratornog sustava - kaftrio is indicated in a combination regimen with ivacaftor for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (cf) in patients aged 6 years and older who have at least one f508del mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr) gene.

Orkambi Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vertex pharmaceuticals (ireland) limited - lumacaftor, ivacaftor - cistična fibroza - drugi proizvodi respiratornog sustava - tablete orkambi rezultati za liječenje муковисцидоза (mv) kod bolesnika u dobi od 6 i više godina, koji su гомозиготами na mutacije f508del u genu cftr . orkambi granules are indicated for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (cf) in children aged 1 year and older who are homozygous for the f508del mutation in the cftr gene.

Symkevi Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


vertex pharmaceuticals (ireland) limited - tezacaftor, ivacaftor - cistična fibroza - drugi proizvodi respiratornog sustava - symkevi is indicated in a combination regimen with ivacaftor tablets for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) aged 6 years and older who are homozygous for the f508del mutation or who are heterozygous for the f508del mutation and have one of the following mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr) gene: p67l, r117c, l206w, r352q, a455e, d579g, 711+3a→g, s945l, s977f, r1070w, d1152h, 2789+5g→a, 3272 26a→g, and 3849+10kbc→t.

Vazkepa Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


amarin pharmaceuticals ireland limited - icosapent ethyl - dislipidemije - sredstva za modifikaciju lipida - indicated to reduce cardiovascular risk as an adjunct to statin therapy.

Livogiva Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


theramex ireland limited - teriparatid - osteoporoza - homeostaza kalcija - livogiva is indicated in adults. liječenje osteoporoze u žena u postmenopauzi i muškaraca pri povećanom riziku od loma. in postmenopausal women, a significant reduction in the incidence of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures but not hip fractures have been demonstrated. liječenje osteoporoze, povezan sa stalnim sistemsku terapiju s glukokortikoidi, kod žena i muškaraca pod povećanim rizikom prijeloma.

Vizitrav 40 mikrograma/ml, kapi za oko, otopina Hrvatska - hrvatski - HALMED (Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode)

vizitrav 40 mikrograma/ml, kapi za oko, otopina

bausch + lomb ireland limited, 3013 lake drive, citywest business campus, dublin 24, irska - травопрост - kapi za oko, otopina - 40 mikrograma/ml - urbroj: svaki ml otopine sadrži 40 mikrograma travoprosta

Eladynos Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


theramex ireland limited - abaloparatide - osteoporosis, postmenopausal; osteoporosis - homeostaza kalcija - liječenje osteoporoze kod žena u postmenopauzi s povećanim rizikom od prijeloma.

Azacitidine Mylan Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

azacitidine mylan

mylan ireland limited - azacitidin - myelodysplastic syndromes; leukemia, myelomonocytic, chronic; leukemia, myeloid, acute - antineoplastična sredstva - azacitidine mylan is indicated for the treatment of adult patients who are not eligible for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) with:intermediate 2 and high risk myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) according to the international prognostic scoring system (ipss),chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (cmml) with 10 29% marrow blasts without myeloproliferative disorder,acute myeloid leukaemia (aml) with 20 30% blasts and multi lineage dysplasia, according to world health organisation (who) classification,aml with > 30% marrow blasts according to the who classification.

Nepexto Europska Unija - hrvatski - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biosimilar collaborations ireland limited - etanercept - arthritis, rheumatoid; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; arthritis, psoriatic; spondylarthropathies; spondylitis, ankylosing; psoriasis - imunosupresivi - rheumatoid arthritisnepexto in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis in adults when the response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, including methotrexate (unless contraindicated), has been inadequate. nepexto može biti dano kao monoterapija u slučaju netolerancije метотрексата ili pri stalnom liječenju s metotreksat je nepraktično.  nepexto is also indicated in the treatment of severe, active and progressive rheumatoid arthritis in adults not previously treated with methotrexate. nepexto, sami ili u kombinaciji sa metotreksatom, pokazano je da se smanji brzina progresije oštećenja zglobova kao što se mjeri x-ray i poboljšati tjelesne funkcije. idiopatska arthritistreatment mladalački poliartritis (reumatoidni faktor pozitivan ili negativan) i proširena олигоартрит u djece i adolescenata u dobi od 2 godine, koji su imali neadekvatan odgovor ili koji su bili нетерпимыми, metotreksat. liječenje psorijatični artritis kod adolescenata u dobi od 12 godina, koji su imali neadekvatan odgovor ili koji su se našli нетерпимыми, metotreksat. liječenje artritisa, suradnik s энтезитом kod adolescenata u dobi od 12 godina, koji su imali neadekvatan odgovor ili koji su bili нетерпимыми, tradicionalne terapije. etanercept nije studirao je kod djece u dobi od manje od 2 godine. psorijatični arthritistreatment aktivnog i uznapredovalog psorijatični artritis kod odraslih, kad odgovor na prethodni заболевани-razrađen antirheumatic napitke terapija je bila neadekvatna.. Этанерцепт je pokazala da poboljšava fizičku funkciju kod bolesnika sa псориатическим artritis, a da bi se smanjiti brzinu napredovanja periferne lezije zgloba, mjereno pomoću x-zraka u bolesnika s полиартикулярным mogućnost simetrične podtipovi bolesti. axial spondyloarthritisankylosing spondylitis treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. ne-рентгенографического aksijalnom спондилоартрита tretman za odrasle osobe s teškim ne-рентгенографического aksijalnom спондилоартрита s objektivnim znakovima upale kao što pokazuje povišen c-reaktivni protein (drr) i/ili magnetskom rezonancijom (mri) očitanje, koji su imali neadekvatnom odgovoru na nesteroidni protuupalni lijekovi (nsar). peglanje psoriasistreatment odrasle osobe s umjerenim do teškim plak psorijaza, koji nije mogao odgovoriti, ili koji imaju kontraindikacije ili netoleranciju druge sistemske terapije, uključujući ciklosporin, metotreksat ili psoralena i uv-a svjetlo (puva). vrtić psoriasistreatment odbora kroničnog teškog бляшечного psorijaze u djece i adolescenata u dobi od 6 godina, koji adekvatno prati, ili ne podnose, druge sistemske terapije, ili phototherapies.