Purevax RCPCh FeLV Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcpch felv

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv), felv recombinant canarypox virus (vcp97), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs;against leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and clinical signs of the related disease. onsets of immunity are 1 week after primary vaccination course for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, chlamydophila felis and panleucopenia components, and 2 weeks after primary vaccination course for feline leukaemia component. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the chlamydiosis and feline leukaemia components, and one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Purevax RCPCh Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcpch

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:• against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;• against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;• against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs;• against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs. immuunsuse tagajärgi on tõestatud üks nädal pärast esmast vaktsinatsioonikursust rinotrahheiidi, kalitsiviiruse, chlamydophila felis ja panleukopeenia komponentide jaoks. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the chlamydiosis component, and oneyear after primary vaccination and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Fevaxyn Pentofel Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

fevaxyn pentofel

zoetis belgium sa  - inactivated feline rhinotracheitis virus, inactivated feline calicivirus, inactivated feline chlamydophila felis, inactivated feline leukaemia virus, inactivated feline panleukopenia virus - immunoloogilised vahendid - kassid - aktiivse immuniseerimise tervete kasside üheksa nädalat või vanemate kasside vastu panleukopenia ja kasside leukeemia viiruseid ja vastu hingamisteede haigused, mis on põhjustatud kasside rinotrahheiidi viiruse, kasside calicivirus ja chlamydophila felis.

Leucofeligen FeLV/RCP Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

leucofeligen felv/rcp

virbac s.a. - purified p45 feline leukaemia virus envelope antigen, live feline calicivirus (strain f9), live feline viral rhinotracheitis virus (strain f2), live feline panleucopenia virus - live kasside panleucopenia viirus / parvovirus + live kasside rinotrahheiidi viiruse + live kasside calicivirus + inaktiveeritud kasside leukeemia viiruse - kassid - kasside aktiivseks immuniseerimiseks alates kaheksa nädala vanusest: kasside kalitsiviroos kliiniliste tunnuste vähendamiseks. kasside viiruslik rinotrahheiit kliiniliste tunnuste ja viiruse eritumise vähendamiseks. kasside panleukopeenia leukopeenia ärahoidmiseks ja kliiniliste tunnuste vähendamiseks. kasside leukeemia, et vältida püsivat viraemiat ja seonduva haiguse kliinilisi tunnuseid. algusega immuunsus: 3 nädalat pärast esmast vaktsineerimist jaoks panleucopenia ja leukeemia komponendid ja 4 nädala jooksul pärast esmase vaktsineerimise puhul calicivirus ja rinotrahheiidi viiruse komponendid. immuunsuse kestus: üks aasta pärast esmast vaktsineerimist kõikide komponentide jaoks.

Thiafeline vet õhukese polümeerikattega tablett Eesti - eesti - Ravimiamet

thiafeline vet õhukese polümeerikattega tablett

le vet. beheer b.v. - tiamasool - õhukese polümeerikattega tablett - 5mg 150tk

Thiafeline vet õhukese polümeerikattega tablett Eesti - eesti - Ravimiamet

thiafeline vet õhukese polümeerikattega tablett

le vet. beheer b.v. - tiamasool - õhukese polümeerikattega tablett - 2,5mg 60tk; 2,5mg 30tk; 2,5mg 120tk; 2,5mg 300tk; 2,5mg 150tk

Purevax RCP FeLV Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcp felv

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv), felv recombinant canarypox virus (vcp97) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs ;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs;against leukaemia to prevent persistent viraemia and clinical signs of the related disease. onsets of immunity are 1 week after primary vaccination course for rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleucopenia components, and 2 weeks after primary vaccination course for feline leukaemia component. the duration of immunity is one year after the last re-vaccination for the feline leukaemia component, and one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination for the rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis and panleucopenia components.

Purevax RC Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rc

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs. onsets of immunity isone week after primary vaccination course. the duration of immunity is one year after primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination.

Purevax RCCh Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcch

merial - attenuated feline rhinotracheitis herpesvirus (fhv f2 strain), inactivated feline calicivirosis antigens (fcv 431 and g1 strains), attenuated chlamydophila felis (905 strain) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged 8 weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs and excretion;against chlamydophila felis infection to reduce clinical signs. immuunsuse tekkekohad on tõestatud 1 nädala jooksul pärast esmast vaktsinatsioonikursust rinotrahheiidi, kalitsiviiruse ja chlamydophila felis komponentide jaoks. immuunsuse kestus on 1 aasta pärast viimast (uuesti) vaktsineerimist.

Purevax RCP Euroopa Liit - eesti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

purevax rcp

boehringer ingelheim vetmedica gmbh - attenuated feline panleucopenia virus (pli iv) - immunoloogilised ravimid jaoks felidae, - kassid - active immunisation of cats aged eight weeks and older:against feline viral rhinotracheitis to reduce clinical signs;against calicivirus infection to reduce clinical signs;against feline panleucopenia to prevent mortality and clinical signs. onset of immunity is one week after primary vaccination course the duration of immunity is one year after the primary vaccination course and three years after the last re-vaccination.