利痛能散 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


光南製藥廠 宜蘭巿黎明里黎明路15號 (28163834) - aluminum bis(acetylsalicylate)(aluminum acetylsalicyla;;acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;caffeine anhydrous - 散劑 - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 100mg; aluminum bis(acetylsalicylate)(aluminum acetylsalicyla (2808600200) 500mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 30mg - 解熱、鎮痛(神經痛、頭痛、關節痛、牙痛、咽喉痛、肌肉痛、月經痛)之緩解

益利尿錠40公絲(服樂泄麥) 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


光南製藥廠 宜蘭巿黎明里黎明路15號 (28163834) - furosemide - 錠劑 - furosemide (4028000900) 40mg - 利尿、高血壓

治痛散 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


光南製藥廠 宜蘭巿黎明里黎明路15號 (28163834) - aluminum bis(acetylsalicylate)(aluminum acetylsalicyla;;acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;caffeine anhydrous - 散劑 - 主成分 (each package(1.2gm) contain:) ; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 100mg; aluminum bis(acetylsalicylate)(aluminum acetylsalicyla (2808600200) 500mg; caffeine anhydrous (2820000450) 30mg - 解熱、(神經痛、頭痛、關節痛、牙痛、咽喉痛、肌肉痛

消炎片 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


光南製藥廠 宜蘭巿黎明里黎明路15號 (28163834) - sulfadiazine;;sulfathiazole;;sulfamerazine;;berberine hcl;;talc (french chalk) - 錠劑 - berberine hcl (0804000211) 50mg; sulfadiazine (0824000700) 185mg; sulfamerazine (0824001100) 130mg; sulfathiazole (0824002200) 185mg; talc (french chalk) (9600031300) 10.5mg - 急性肺炎、支氣管炎、扁桃腺炎、喉炎、中耳炎、淋病、膀胱炎、腎盂炎、細菌性痢疾

" 光南"痛風炎寧錠25毫克(吲哚美洒辛) 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

" 光南"痛風炎寧錠25毫克(吲哚美洒辛)

光南製藥股份有限公司宜蘭廠 宜蘭縣宜蘭市黎明二路240號 (28163834) - indomethacin (eq to indometacin) - 錠劑 - indomethacin (eq to indometacin) (2808000800) 25mg - indometacin - 慢性關節風溼症、變形性脊椎症、變形性關節症、腰痛症、痛風、肩胛關節 周圍炎、咽喉頭炎、急性中耳炎、症候性神經痛、膀胱炎、前立腺炎、齒痛、齒槽、骨膜炎、結節性紅斑之消炎鎮痛解熱

"光南"痛風炎寧膠囊 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


光南製藥股份有限公司宜蘭廠 宜蘭縣宜蘭市黎明二路240號 (28163834) - indomethacin (eq to indometacin) - 膠囊劑 - indomethacin (eq to indometacin) (2808000800) 25mg - indometacin - 關節僂麻質斯、變形性關節炎、腰痛、神經痛

"白蘭"薄荷玉 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


依必朗化學製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣福興鄉萬豐村福工路11號 (58020721) - menthol - 棒劑 - menthol (8408000300) gm - other therapeutic products - 頭痛、齒痛、神經痛、皮膚搔癢、蟲咬、刺傷。

舒必達藥膠布 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


南和化學製藥廠 屏東市建民路39號 (90001249) - menthol;;methyl salicylate;;diphenhydramine;;tocopherol alpha-;;camphor;;glycyrrhizinic acid (eq to glycyrrhetinic acid glycoside)(eq to glycyrrhizic acid ) - 藥膠布 - diphenhydramine (0400001600) 0.62mg; camphor (8408000100) 15.60mg; menthol (8408000300) 19.50mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 62.40mg; tocopherol alpha- (8820000110) 9.80mg; glycyrrhizinic acid (eq to glycyrrhetinic acid glycoside)(eq to glycyrrhizic acid ) (9200004600) 0.39mg - preparations with salicylic acid derivatives - 神經痛、關節痛、肩膀酸痛、扭傷、腰痛

舒可達藥膠布 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


南和化學製藥廠 屏東市建民路39號 (90001249) - methyl salicylate;;chlorpheniramine maleate;;scopolia extract;;menthol;;camphor;;phellodendron bark - 藥膠布 - chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000810) 13.44mg; scopolia extract (1208004502) 2.69mg; phellodendron bark (5640001510) 13.44mg; camphor (8408000100) 13.44mg; menthol (8408000300) 26.88mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 26.88mg - preparations with salicylic acid derivatives - 神經痛、關節痛、腰痛、肩膀酸痛

"明華"安冒克錠 台湾 - 中文 - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


明華化學製藥廠股份有限公司 新北市新莊區中華路二段13號7樓 (38040684) - acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol);;dl-chlorpheniramine maleate;;pseudoephedrine hcl;;dextromethorphan hbr - 錠劑 - dl-chlorpheniramine maleate (0400000813) 2mg; pseudoephedrine hcl (1212002610) 30mg; acetaminophen (eq to paracetamol) (2808000100) 325mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) 15mg - other cold preparations - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咽喉痛、咳嗽、畏寒、發燒、頭痛、關節痛、肌肉酸痛)。