Jayempi 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


nova laboratories ireland limited - azathioprine - rifjut ta 'graft - immunosoppressanti - jayempi is indicated in combination with other immunosuppressive agents for the prophylaxis of transplant rejection in patients receiving allogenic kidney, liver, heart, lung or pancreas transplants. azathioprine is indicated in immunosuppressive regimens as an adjunct to immunosuppressive agents that form the mainstay of treatment (basis immunosuppression). jayempi is used as an immunosuppressant antimetabolite either alone or, more commonly, in combination with other agents (usually corticosteroids) and/ or procedures which influence the immune response. jayempi is indicated in patients who are intolerant to glucocorticosteroids or if the therapeutic response is inadequate despite treatment with high doses of glucocorticosteroids, in the following diseases:severe active rheumatoid arthritis (chronic polyarthritis) that cannot be kept under control by less toxic agents (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic -medicinal products – dmards)auto-immune hepatitis systemic lupus erythematosusdermatomyositispolyarteritis nodosapemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoidbehçet’s diseaserefractory auto-immune haemolytic anaemia, caused by warm igg antibodieschronic refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpurajayempi is used for the treatment of moderately severe to severe forms of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) (crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) in patients in whom glucocorticosteroid therapy is necessary, but where glucocorticosteroids are not tolerated, or in whom the disease is untreatable with other common means of first choice. it is also indicated in adult patients in relapsing multiple sclerosis, if an immunomodulatory therapy is indicated but beta interferon therapy is not possible, or a stable course has been achieved with previous treatment with azathioprine. 3jayempi is indicated for the treatment of generalised myasthenia gravis. depending on the severity of the disease, jayempi should be given in combination with glucocorticosteroids because of slow onset of action at the beginning of treatment and the glucocorticosteroid dose should be gradually reduced after several months of treatment.

Qaialdo 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


nova laboratories ireland limited - spironolactone - edema; heart failure; liver cirrhosis; ascites; nephrotic syndrome; hyperaldosteronism; essential hypertension - antihypertensives and diuretics in combination - in the management of refractory oedema associated with congestive cardiac failure; hepatic cirrhosis with ascites and oedema, malignant ascites, nephrotic syndrome, diagnosis and treatment of primary aldosteronism, essential hypertension. neonates, children and adolescents should only be treated under guidance of a paediatric specialist (see sections 5. 1 u 5.

Baraclude 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol-myers squibb pharma eeig - entecavir - epatite b, kronika - antivirali għal użu sistemiku - baraclude huwa indikat għat-trattament ta kronika tal-virus epatite b (hbv) fl-adulti bil:mard tal-fwied ikkumpensat u evidenza ta 'replikazzjoni virali attiva, persistenti elevati fis-serum alanine aminotransferase (alt) livelli u evidenza istoloġika ta' infjammazzjoni attiva u/jew fibrożi;mard tal-fwied dekompensat. kemm għall-kkumpensati u mard tal-fwied dikumpensat, din l-indikazzjoni hija bbażata fuq tagħrif minn provi kliniċi f'pazjenti li huma nucleoside naïve b'hbeag pożittiv u hbeag negattiv li jaqbadhom infezzjoni hbv. fir-rigward ta 'pazjenti b'epatite b refrattarja għal lamivudine.

Bemfola 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


gedeon richter plc. - follitropin alfa - anovulazzjoni - - ormoni tas-sess u modulaturi ta ' l-ġenitali-sistema, - in adult women:anovulation (including polycystic ovarian disease, pcod) in women who have been unresponsive to treatment with clomiphene citrate;stimulation of multifollicular development in patients undergoing superovulation for assisted reproductive technologies (art) such as in vitro fertilisation (ivf), gamete intra-fallopian transfer (gift) and zygote intra-fallopian transfer (zift);follitropin alfa in association with a luteinising hormone (lh) preparation is recommended for the stimulation of follicular development in women with severe lh and fsh deficiency. fi provi kliniċi dawn il-pazjenti ġew definiti bil-livelli endoġeni tas-serum lh < 1. 2 iu / l. in adult men:follitropin alfa is indicated for the stimulation of spermatogenesis in men who have congenital or acquired hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism with concomitant human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) therapy.

Benlysta 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


glaxosmithkline (ireland) limited - belimumab - lupus eritematoso, sistemiku - immunosoppressanti - benlysta huwa indikat bħala terapija add-on f'pazjenti b'età ta ' 5 snin u akbar bi attiva, awtoantikorpi pożittivi lupus eritematosus sistemika (sle) bil-livell għoli ta'attività tal-marda (e. , pożittivi kontra dsdna u baxxa jikkumplimentaw) minkejja terapija standard. benlysta is indicated in combination with background immunosuppressive therapies for the treatment of adult patients with active lupus nephritis.

Cholestagel 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


cheplapharm arzneimittel gmbh - colesevelam (as hydrochloride) - iperkolesterolemija - aġenti li jimmodifikaw il-lipidi - cholestagel ko amministrati bil-3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme-a (hmg-coa)-inibitur reductase (statin) huwa indikat bħala terapija adjunctive biex tad-dieta li jipprovdu xi addittiv tnaqqis fil-livelli baxxa-density-lipoprotein-kolesterol (ldl-c) f ' pazjenti adulti bl-hypercholesterolaemia primarji li mhumiex ikkontrollati b'mod adegwat bl-statin waħdu. cholestagel waħdu jintuża bħala terapija aġġuntiva mad-dieta għat-tnaqqis ta ' total-kolesterol u ldl-c f'pazjenti adulti b'iperkolesterolemija primarja, li statin huwa meqjus bħala mhux xierqa jew mhux ittollerati sewwa. cholestagel jista ' jintuża wkoll f'kombinazzjoni ma ezetimibe, bi jew mingħajr statin, f'pazjenti adulti b'iperkolesterolemija primarja, inklużi pazjenti b'familial iperkolesterolemija (ara sezzjoni 5.

Cholib 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viatris healthcare limited - fenofibrate, simvastatin - dyslipidemias - aġenti li jimmodifikaw il-lipidi - cholib huwa indikat bħala terapija adjunctive tad-dieta u jeżerċita fir-riskju għoli kardjovaskulari pazjenti adulti ma dyslipidaemia imħallat li tnaqqas it-trigliċeridi u jżidu l-livelli hdl c meta livelli ldl c huma kkontrollati b'mod adegwat bl-doża korrispondenti ta ' l- simvastatin monotherapy.

Cinacalcet Mylan 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

cinacalcet mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - cinacalcet hydrochloride - hyperparathyroidism, secondary; hypercalcemia - homeostasi tal-kalċju - il-kura ta 'iperparatirojdiżmu sekondarju (hpt) f'pazjenti b'mard renali fl-aħħar stadju (esrd) fuq terapija ta' dijalisi ta 'manteniment. cinacalcet mylan jista 'jintuża bħala parti minn kors terapewtiku li jinkludi binders tal-fosfat u/jew sterols ta' vitamina d, kif xieraq. tnaqqis ta 'iperkalċimja f'pazjenti b': - paratirojde carcinomaprimary hpt li għalihom parathyroidectomywould tkun indikata fuq il-bażi tal-livelli tal-kalċju fis-serum (kif definit mil-linji gwida ta ' kura rilevanti), iżda fejn paratirojdektomija mhiex klinikament xierqa jew kontraindikata.

Dexdor 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


orion corporation - dexmedetomidine hydrochloride - sedazzjoni konxja - psikolettiċi - għal sedazzjoni ta 'pazjenti ta' unità ta 'kura intensiva għall-adulti li jeħtieġu livell ta' sedazzjoni mhux aktar profond milli tqanqal b'reazzjoni għal stimulazzjoni verbali (li tikkorrispondi għal richmond agitation-sedation scale (rass) 0 sa -3).

Glivec 欧盟 - 马耳他文 - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novartis europharm limited - imatinib - precursor cell lymphoblastic leukemia-lymphoma; gastrointestinal stromal tumors; dermatofibrosarcoma; myelodysplastic-myeloproliferative diseases; leukemia, myelogenous, chronic, bcr-abl positive; hypereosinophilic syndrome - aġenti antineoplastiċi - glivec is indicated for the treatment of , adult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia-chromosome (bcr-abl)-positive (ph+) chronic myeloid leukaemia (cml) for whom bone-marrow transplantation is not considered as the first line of treatment;, adult and paediatric patients with ph+ cml in chronic phase after failure of interferon-alpha therapy, or in accelerated phase or blast crisis;, adult and paediatric patients with newly diagnosed philadelphia-chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ph+ all) integrated with chemotherapy;, adult patients with relapsed or refractory ph+ all as monotherapy;, adult patients with myelodysplastic / myeloproliferative diseases (mds / mpd) associated with platelet-derived growth factor receptor (pdgfr) gene re-arrangements;, adult patients with advanced hypereosinophilic syndrome (hes) and / or chronic eosinophilic leukaemia (cel) with fip1l1-pdgfra rearrangement. , l-effett ta 'glivec fuq l-eżitu ta' l-għadam-trapjant tal-mudullun għadu ma ġiex determinat. glivec is indicated for: , the treatment of adult patients with kit (cd 117)-positive unresectable and / or metastatic malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumours (gist);, the adjuvant treatment of adult patients who are at significant risk of relapse following resection of kit (cd117)-positive gist. pazjenti li għandhom livell baxx jew l-riskju baxx ħafna ta ' rikorrenza m'għandhomx jirċievu kura awżiljarja;, il-kura ta'pazjenti adulti li ma jistax jitneħħa dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (dfsp) u pazjenti adulti bil-rikorrenti u / jew metastatiku dfsp li mhumiex eliġibbli għall-kirurġija. , f'pazjenti adulti u pedjatriċi, l-effikaċja ta 'glivec hija bbażata fuq globali ematoloġiċi u ċitoġenetiċi-rati ta' rispons u sopravivenza mingħajr progressjoni f'cml, fuq ematoloġiċi u ċitoġenetiċi-rati ta 'rispons f'ph+ all, mds / mpd, fuq il-rati ta' rispons ematoloġiku f'hes / cel u dwar l-objettiv tal-rati ta ' rispons fil-pazjenti adulti li ma jistax jitneħħa u / jew metastiku-gist u dfsp u dwar ir-rikorrenza-sopravivenza mingħajr progressjoni fl-adjuvant gist. l-esperjenza bi glivec f'pazjenti b'mds / mpd assoċjati ma ' tibdil fil-ġene pdgfr hija limitata ħafna (ara taqsima 5. Ħlief fil għadhom kif ġew dijanjostikati cml ta ' fażi kronika, m'hemmx provi kliniċi li juru benefiċċju kliniku jew żieda fis-sopravivenza għal dawn il-mard.