Tubular support bandage, non-latex, reusable

Quốc gia: Úc

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Sẵn có từ:

Bandicool Pty Ltd

Lớp học:

Class I

Sản xuất bởi:

Jiangxi Handasen Industry Co Ltd 5th Floor 333 Chasheng East Road, Shangrao City China

Khu trị liệu:

61652 - Tubular support bandage, non-latex, reusable

Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

to provide support or local pressure to a part of the body, especially a joint, for various preventative/therapeutic applications (e.g., support soft tissue injuries) while enabling movement

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