德邁特膜衣錠225毫克 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


台灣默克股份有限公司 台北市內湖區堤頂大道2段89號6樓 (23526610) - tepotinib hydrochloride hydrate - 膜衣錠 - tepotinib hydrochloride hydrate (1013009200) (equivalent to 225 mg tepotinib)mg - tepotinib - 適用於治療帶有導致間質上皮轉化因子外顯子14跳讀式突變(met exon 14 skipping mutation)的轉移性之非小細胞肺癌(nsclc)成人病人。

達梭黴素凍晶注射劑 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


輝瑞大藥廠股份有限公司 台北市信義區松仁路100號42、43樓 (37199708) - piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium);;piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium);;piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium) - 凍晶注射劑 - piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)gm; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg; piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)gm; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg; piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)gm; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg - piperacillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor - PIPERACILLIN具有感受性、以及對PIPERACILLIN具抗藥性但對PIPERACILLIN?TAZOBACTAM有感受性之B-LACTAMASE產生菌株所引起之中至嚴重程度感染

麥希平 靜脈乾粉注射劑 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

麥希平 靜脈乾粉注射劑

政德製藥股份有限公司 雲林縣大埤鄉嘉興村豐田路2號 (63129193) - cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime);;cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime);;cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime) - 乾粉注射劑 - cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime) (0812302940) (potency)gm; cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime) (0812302940) (potency)gm; cefepime hcl (eq to cefepime) (0812302940) (potency)gm - cefepime - 對cefepime具感受性之細菌性感染症。

必倍達梭乾粉注射劑 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


正昌容生技有限公司 雲林縣虎尾鎮平和里29鄰平和58-13號 (24286737) - piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium);;piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium);;piperacillin (sodium);;tazobactam (as sodium) - 乾粉注射劑 - piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)mg; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg; piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)mg; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg; piperacillin (sodium) (0812691910) (potency)mg; tazobactam (as sodium) (4410000710) (potency)mg - piperacillin and beta-lactamase inhibitor - 對piperacillin具有感受性,以及對piperacillin具抗藥性但對piperacillin/tarzobactam有感受性之β-lactamase產生菌株所引起之中至嚴重程度感染。

聖卡堤亞除斑凝膠1%(氫 酉昆) Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

聖卡堤亞除斑凝膠1%(氫 酉昆)

臺灣派頓化學製藥股份有限公司 高雄市岡山區為隨東路50號 (83748073) - hydroquinone - 外用凝膠劑 - hydroquinone (8450400100) 10mg - hydroquinone - 減輕黑斑、雀斑或其他色素沈著。

開羅理黴素 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


美商亞培股份有限公司台灣分公司 台北市中山區民生東路三段49號5樓、6樓及51號6樓 (30961216) - clarithromycin - 錠劑 - 主成分 (each tablet:) ; clarithromycin (0812509600) mg - clarithromycin - 上、下呼吸道有感受性細菌所引起之感染症。可與Omeprazole併用治療與幽門螺旋桿菌(H.Pylori)有關之十二指腸潰瘍。

“汎生”芽固康牙科用軟膏 2% Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

“汎生”芽固康牙科用軟膏 2%

臺灣汎生製藥廠股份有限公司 高雄市鳥松區坔埔里大同路5-1號及神農路330號 (85615014) - minocycline (hcl) - 牙科用軟膏劑 - minocycline (hcl) (0812809610) (potency)mg - minocycline - 慢性邊緣性牙周炎之輔助療法。

"應元" 樂富眼藥水0.3% Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

"應元" 樂富眼藥水0.3%

應元化學製藥股份有限公司 台南市南區新忠路26號 (69549600) - norfloxacin (baccidal) - 眼用液劑 - norfloxacin (baccidal) (0812002200) mg - norfloxacin - 對 norfloxacin 具有感受性之感染症:眼瞼炎、麥粒腫、淚囊炎、結膜炎、瞼板腺炎、角膜炎、術後感染症、角膜潰瘍。

白美乳膏20公絲/公克〝新喜〞 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


新喜國際企業股份有限公司 台南市鹽水區孫厝里孫厝寮4之6號 (72175181) - hydroquinone - 乳膏劑 - hydroquinone (8450400100) 20mg - hydroquinone - 減輕黑斑、雀斑或其他色素沉著。

"瑞安"凱立得持續性藥效錠500毫克 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


瑞安大藥廠股份有限公司 台北市內湖區內湖路一段392號11樓之1 (23045916) - clarithromycin - 持續性藥效錠 - clarithromycin (0812509600) mg - clarithromycin - 上下呼吸道有感受性細菌所引起之感染症。