道林 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


岩城有限公司 台北巿復興南路一段203號4樓 (04259613) - taurine (eq to 2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) - (粉) - 主成分 () ; taurine (eq to 2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) (9200000900) 98.5% - various alimentary tract and metabolism products - 營養劑

正臣藥 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


萬春藥業股份有限公司 南投縣南投巿仁德路113號 (58560509) - l-menthol ;;capsicum tincture - 內服液劑 - l-menthol (8408000302) 20mg; capsicum tincture (9200018080) 20mg - various alimentary tract and metabolism products - 嘔吐、胃痛

利咳芬含錠 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


健喬信元醫藥生技股份有限公司 新竹縣湖口鄉工業一路6號 (43199950) - dextromethorphan hbr;;phenylephrine hcl - 口含錠 - phenylephrine hcl (1212002310) 0.5mg; dextromethorphan hbr (4800001010) 2.5mg - various - 緩解感冒之各種症狀(咳嗽、鼻塞)。

"洸洋"複方碘甘油溶液 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


洸洋化學製藥股份有限公司 板橋市信義路26巷10號 (15013427) - iodine;;potassium iodide - 外用液劑 - 主成分 (each 1000gm contain:) ; potassium iodide (4800002900) gm; iodine (8404602000) gm - various - 咽喉炎

"應元" 複方碘甘油溶液 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)

"應元" 複方碘甘油溶液

應元化學製藥股份有限公司 台南市南區新忠路26號 (69549600) - iodine;;potassium iodide - 內服液劑 - potassium iodide (4800002900) gm; iodine (8404602000) gm - various - 咽喉炎、扁桃腺炎

賀新舌錠 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


恆信藥品有限公司 台北市松山區復興北路1號6樓之6 (97022183) - chlorhexidine hcl;;benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) - 錠劑 - chlorhexidine hcl (5204900211) 5mg; benzocaine (ethyl aminobenzoate) (8408000200) 2mg - various - 喉頭炎、扁桃腺炎、感冒及咽頭炎之預防感染、口腔內手術後之預防感染、拔牙後之預防感染

舒爽錠30公絲(葉綠素銅鈉) Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


中美兄弟製藥股份有限公司 彰化市東芳里彰鹿路106號 (58090015) - sodium copper chlorophyllin - 錠劑 - sodium copper chlorophyllin (8416000642) 30mg - various - 消除體臭、口臭。

佛記護理順糖衣錠 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


優德貿易有限公司 台北巿松山區八德路三段12巷51弄24號1樓 (22164934) - rhubarb powder (eq to powdered rhubarb);;powdered japanese valerian;;cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark );;powdered cnidium rhizome;;atractylodes lancea rhizoma;;powdered peony root;;powdered poria sclerotium;;powdered japanese angelica root;;powdered poria sclerotium;;powdered japanese angelica root;;powdered cyperus rhizome;;evodia fruit;;pinellia tuber;;ginseng;;safflower;;thiamine hcl (biotamine);;riboflavin (vit b2);;pyridoxine hcl;;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;biotin;;soylecithin (eq to soya lecithin) - 糖衣錠 - powdered japanese valerian (2824000640) mg; safflower (4020001520) mg; cinnamon bark powder ( eq to powdered cinnamon bark ) (5610000107) mg; rhubarb powder (eq to powdered rhubarb) (5612002302) mg; powdered peony root (8412001520) mg; biotin (8810000100) ug; thiamine hcl (biotamine) (8810181700) mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) ug; ginseng (9200004000) mg; powdered japanese angelica root (9200017920) mg; powdered japanese angelica root (9200017920) mg; powdered cnidium rhizome (9200024920) mg; powdered cyperus rhizome (9200025412) mg; pinellia tuber (9200025510) mg; atractylodes lancea rhizoma (9200026010) mg; powdered poria sclerotium (9200092700) mg; powdered poria sclerotium (9200092700) mg; soylecithin (eq to soya lecithin) (9600087600) mg; evodia fruit (9900096400) mg - various alimentary tract and metabolism products - 更年期障礙所引起的諸症狀(肩酸痛、頭痛、頭重、神經痛、冷感症、便秘、生理不順、月經痛、生理異常、全身倦怠、目暈耳嗚、下腹腰痛)。

歐西拉因 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


衛采製藥股份有限公司 台北巿長安東路一段十八號九樓 (89283375) - oxethazaine - (粉) - 主成分 (:) ; oxethazaine (5604002900) 98.5% - various alimentary tract and metabolism products - 胃粘膜局部麻醉劑。

蒙特克鎝99M孳生器 Đài Loan - Tiếng Trung - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


泰歷藥品儀器股份有限公司 台北市大同區承德路二段81號15樓 (30884801) - sodium molybdate;;tc-99m sodium pertechnetate - 注射液劑 - 主成分 () ; tc-99m sodium pertechnetate (7804200210) 99m technetium sodium pertechnetate (na 99mtco4); sodium molybdate (9200008800) sodium molybdate (na2 99moo4), 5-50 gbq/generator - various thyroid diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals - 1.用於甲狀腺、唾液腺、胃黏膜異位(meckel's diverticulurn)、淚管之造影。2.與已核准可由99mtc標訂之放射性準備藥品製成標記溶液。