Osteomin Full Strength Sachet

Quốc gia: Úc

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Thành phần hoạt chất:

glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride, Quantity: 350.877 mg/g (Equivalent: potassium chloride, Qty 87.654 mg/g; Equivalent: glucosamine sulfate, Qty 263.223 mg/g); bovine sodium chondroitin sulfate, Quantity: 260 mg/g (Equivalent: bovine chondroitin sulfate, Qty 210.526 mg/g)

Sẵn có từ:

Mega Lifesciences (Australia) Pty Ltd

INN (Tên quốc tế):

bovine sodium chondroitin sulfate,glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride

Dạng dược phẩm:

Powder, oral

Thành phần:

Excipient Ingredients: maltitol; sucralose; sodium carbonate; brilliant blue FCF; sodium bicarbonate; citric acid; tartaric acid; quinoline yellow; Flavour

Tuyến hành chính:


Lớp học:

Medicine Listed

Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis ; Helps enhance/promote healthy joint function ; Helps enhance/promote joint health ; Maintain/support joint mobility/flexibility ; Maintain/support muscle strength to reduce strain on joints

Tóm tắt sản phẩm:

Visual Identification: ; Container Type: Sachet; Container Closure: Neither child resistant closure nor restricted flow insert

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