Oasis Soft Plug Collagen Intracanalicular PlugPunctum Plug

Quốc gia: Singapore

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Sẵn có từ:

Mandarin Opto-Medic Co Pte Ltd

Lớp học:

Class D medical device

Sản xuất bởi:

Oasis Medical Inc.

Khu trị liệu:


Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

It is intended for use in patients experiencing dry eye symptoms such as redness, burning reflex tearing, itching or foreign body sensations which can be relieved by blockage of the punctum. Silicone Punctum Plugs may be used in the treatment of dry eye syndrome and the dry eye components of various ocular surface diseases such as corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, pterygium, blepharitis, keratitis, red lid margins, recurrent chalazions, recurrent corneal erosion, filamentry keratitis and other external eye diseases. When indicated, the Silicone Punctum Plug may be used after surgery of the eye to prevent complications due to dry eye and to enhance the retention of ocular medications on the eye. Patients experiencing dry eye related contact lens problems may also be aided by Silicone Punctum Plugs.

Tóm tắt sản phẩm:

Models: 0.3mm diameter, 2 mm length - 6503, 0.4mm diameter, 2 mm length - 6504, 0.2mm diameter, 2 mm length - 6502

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