Medtronic SELECTSECURE™ 3830 lead

Quốc gia: Singapore

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Lớp học:

Class D (contains therapeutic product or medicinal product)

Sản xuất bởi:

Medtronic Inc

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Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

The SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead has application where implantable atrial or ventricular, single-chamber or dual-chamber pacing systems are indicated. The Model 3830 lead is intended for pacing and sensing in the atrium or ventricle. The SelectSecure™ MRI SureScan™ 3830 Lead is intended for pacing and sensing in the atrium or right ventricle. It is also intended for pacing and sensing at the bundle of His as an alternative to right ventricular pacing in a single or dual chamber pacing system.

Tóm tắt sản phẩm:

Device System Info:[Sterile Medical Device], The device is EO sterilized.; Models: SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   383049, SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   383059, SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   383069, SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   383074, SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   383098, SelectSecure™ 3830 Lead -   3830110, SelectSecure™ MRI SureScan™ 3830 Lead -   383059, SelectSecure™ MRI SureScan™ 3830 Lead -    383069, SelectSecure™ MRI SureScan™ 3830 Lead -   383074

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