Medicom Healthcare Evolve Carmellose

Quốc gia: Singapore

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Nguồn: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Sẵn có từ:

Wellchem Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd

Lớp học:

Class B medical device

Sản xuất bởi:

Medicom Healthcare Limited

Khu trị liệu:


Chỉ dẫn điều trị:

Evolve Carmellose are soothing eye drops intended for use to relief discomfort that arises from dry eye sensation. They provide soothing relief for sore eyes from grit,itchiness and other foreign body irritations.

Tóm tắt sản phẩm:

Device System Info:[Sterile Medical Device], Evolve Carmellose are soothing eye drops intended for use in the relief of discomfort that arises from dry eye sensations. They provide soothing relief for sore eyes from grit, itchiness and other foreign body irritatons.; Models: MEDICOM HEALTHCARE EVOLVE CARMELLOSEL LUBRICATING EYE DROPS 0.5% - 00119001GB, Medicom Healthcare Evolve Carmellose Quick Relief Lubricating eye Drops 0.5% - 00195051GB

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