Porcilis ColiClos Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

porcilis coliclos

intervet international bv - clostridium perfringens typu c / escherichia coli f4ab / e. coli f4ac / e. coli f5 / e. coli f6 / e. coli lt - imunologické - ošípané - na pasívnej imunizácie o potomstvo prostredníctvom aktívnej imunizácie z prasníc a prasničiek na zníženie úmrtnosti a klinické príznaky počas prvých dní života, spôsobené tých, escherichia coli kmeňov, ktoré vyjadrujú adhesins f4ab (k88ab), f4ac (k88ac), f5 (k99) alebo f6 (987p) a zapríčinená clostridium perfringens typu c.

Porcilis Porcoli Diluvac Forte (previously Porcilis Porcoli) Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

porcilis porcoli diluvac forte (previously porcilis porcoli)

intervet international bv - f4ab (k88ab) fimbrial adhesin, f4ac (k88ac) fimbrial adhesin, f5 (k99) fimbrial adhesin, f6 (987p) fimbrial adhesin, lt toxoid - imunologické - ošípané (prasničky a prasnice) - na pasívnu imunizáciu prasiatok aktívnou imunizáciou prasníc / prasničiek na zníženie úmrtnosti a klinických príznakov ako je hnačka v dôsledku neonatálnej enterotoxikózy počas prvých dní života, spôsobená týmito e. ktoré exprimujú fimbriálne adhezíny f4ab (k88ab), f4ac (k88ac), f5 (k99) alebo f6 (987p).

Enteroporc Coli AC Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli ac

ceva santé animale - clostridium perfringens type c, beta1 toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, alpha toxoid / clostridium perfringens, type a, beta2 toxoid / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ab / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f4ac / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f5 / escherichia coli, fimbrial adhesin f6 - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated bacterial vaccines (including mycoplasma, toxoid and chlamydia) escherichia + clostridium - ošípané - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce:-           clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6-           clinical signs (diarrhoea during the first days of life) associated with clostridium perfringens type a expressing alpha and beta 2 toxins-           clinical signs and mortality associated with haemorrhagic and necrotising enteritis caused by clostridium perfringens type c expressing beta1 toxin.

Enteroporc Coli Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

enteroporc coli

ceva santé animale - inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f4ab, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f4ac, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f5, inactivated fimbrial adhesins of escherichia coli f6 - imunologické prístroje pre sviňovité - ošípané - for the passive immunisation of progeny by active immunisation of pregnant sows and gilts to reduce clinical signs (severe diarrhoea) and mortality caused by escherichia coli strains expressing the fimbrial adhesins f4ab, f4ac, f5 and f6.

Prepandemic influenza vaccine (H5N1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted) Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

prepandemic influenza vaccine (h5n1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted) novartis vaccines and diagnostics

novartis vaccines and diagnostics s.r.l. - chrípky vírusu povrchové antigény (hemaglutinínu a neuraminidázy) kmeňa a/vietnam/1194/2004 (h5n1) - influenza, human; immunization; disease outbreaks - vakcíny - aktívna imunizácia proti podtypu h5n1 vírusu chrípky a. , , this indication is based on immunogenicity data from healthy subjects from the age of 18 years onwards following administration of two doses of the vaccine containing a/vietnam/1194/2004 (h5n1)-like strain. , , prepandemic influenza vaccine (h5n1) novartis vaccines and diagnostic should be used in accordance with official recommendations.

COVID-19 Vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) Valneva Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) valneva

valneva austria gmbh - covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted, adsorbed) - covid-19 virus infection - vakcíny - covid-19 vaccine (inactivated, adjuvanted) valneva is indicated for active immunisation to prevent covid-19 caused by sars-cov-2 in individuals 18 to 50 years of age.  the use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Zoonotic Influenza Vaccine Seqirus Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

zoonotic influenza vaccine seqirus

seqirus s.r.l.  - zoonotic influenza vaccine (h5n1) (surface antigen, inactivated, adjuvanted), influenza virus surface antigens (haemagglutinin and neuraminidase) of strain: a/turkey/turkey/1/05 (h5n1)-like strain (nibrg-23) - influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - vakcíny - active immunisation against h5 subtype of influenza a virus.

Pandemic influenza vaccine H5N1 AstraZeneca (previously Pandemic influenza vaccine H5N1 Medimmune) Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pandemic influenza vaccine h5n1 astrazeneca (previously pandemic influenza vaccine h5n1 medimmune)

astrazeneca ab - reasortantný chrípkový vírus (živý oslabený) nasledujúceho kmeňa: kmeň a / vietnam / 1203/2004 (h5n1) - chrípka, človek - vakcíny - prevencia chrípky u oficiálne oznámeným pandemickej situácie u detí a dospievajúcich vo veku od 12 mesiacov do menej ako 18 rokov. pandemic influenza vaccine h5n1 astrazeneca by mali byť použité v súlade s oficiálne usmernenie.

Mhyosphere PCV ID Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

mhyosphere pcv id

laboratorios hipra, s.a. - mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, strain 7304 (nexhyon), expressing the capsid protein of porcine circovirus type 2a, inactivated - immunologicals for suidae, inactivated viral and inactivated bacterial vaccines - ošípané - for the active immunisation of pigs:to reduce lung lesions associated with porcine enzootic pneumonia caused by mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. also, to reduce the incidence of these lesions (as observed in field studies). to reduce viraemia, virus load in lungs and lymphoid tissues and the duration of the viraemic period associated with diseases caused by porcine circovirus type 2 (pcv2). efficacy against pcv2 genotypes a, b and d has been demonstrated in field studies. to reduce culling rate and the loss of daily weight gain caused by mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and/or pcv2 related diseases (as observed at 6 months of age in field studies). mycoplasma hyopneumoniae: onset of immunity: 3 weeks after vaccinationduration of immunity: 23 weeks after vaccinationporcine circovirus type 2:onset of immunity: 2 weeks after vaccinationduration of immunity: 22 weeks after vaccinationin addition, a reduction in nasal and faecal shedding and the duration of nasal excretion of pcv2 was demonstrated in animals challenged at 4 weeks and at 22 weeks after vaccination.

Pandemic Influenza Vaccine H5N1 Baxter AG Європейський Союз - словацька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

pandemic influenza vaccine h5n1 baxter ag

resilience biomanufacturing ireland limited - vakcína proti chrípke (celý virion, inaktivovaná) obsahujúca antigén: a / vietnam / 1203/2004 (h5n1) - influenza, human; immunization; disease outbreaks - vakcíny - profylaxia chrípky v oficiálne deklarovanej pandemickej situácii. pandemická očkovacia látka proti chrípke sa má používať v súlade s oficiálnymi pokynmi.