Isopto-Maxidex 1 mg/ ml Норвегія - норвезька - Statens legemiddelverk

isopto-maxidex 1 mg/ ml

novartis norge as - deksametason - Øyedråper, suspensjon - 1 mg/ ml

Baycox Iron Європейський Союз - норвезька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

baycox iron

bayer animal health gmbh - iron(iii) ion, toltrazuril - toltrazuril, kombinasjoner - griser - for den samtidige forebygging av kliniske tegn på coccidiosis (for eksempel diaré) i neonatal smågris på gårder med en bekreftet historie coccidiosis forårsaket av cystoisospora suis, og forebygging av jernmangel anemi.

Lacosamide Accord Європейський Союз - норвезька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

lacosamide accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - lakosamid - epilepsi - antiepileptics, - lacosamide accord is indicated as monotherapy in the treatment of partial-onset seizures with or without secondary generalisation in adults, adolescents and children from 4 years of age with epilepsy. lacosamide accord is indicated as adjunctive therapy•         in the treatment of partial-onset seizures with or without secondary generalisation in adults, adolescents and children from 4 years of age with epilepsy. •         in the treatment of primary generalised tonic-clonic seizures in adults, adolescents and children from 4 years of age with idiopathic generalised epilepsy.

Lacosamide UCB Європейський Союз - норвезька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

lacosamide ucb

ucb pharma s.a. - lakosamid - epilepsier, delvis - antiepileptics, - lacosamide ucb er indisert som monoterapi og tilleggsbehandling ved behandling av delvis-utbruddet anfall med eller uten sekundær generalisering hos voksne, ungdom og barn fra 4 år med epilepsi.

Lacosamide Adroiq Європейський Союз - норвезька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

lacosamide adroiq

extrovis eu ltd. - lakosamid - epilepsi - antiepileptics, - lacosamide adroiq is indicated as monotherapy in the treatment of partial-onset seizures with or without secondary generalisation in adults, adolescents and children from 2 years of age with epilepsy. lacosamide adroiq is indicated as adjunctive therapyin the treatment of partial-onset seizures with or without secondary generalisation in adults, adolescents and children from 2 years of age with epilepsy. in the treatment of primary generalised tonic-clonic seizures in adults, adolescents and children from 4 years of age with idiopathic generalised epilepsy.

Lacosamide Medical Valley 100 mg Норвегія - норвезька - Statens legemiddelverk

lacosamide medical valley 100 mg

medical valley invest ab - lakosamid - tablett, filmdrasjert - 100 mg

Lacosamide Medical Valley 50 mg Норвегія - норвезька - Statens legemiddelverk

lacosamide medical valley 50 mg

medical valley invest ab - lakosamid - tablett, filmdrasjert - 50 mg

Lacosamide Medical Valley 150 mg Норвегія - норвезька - Statens legemiddelverk

lacosamide medical valley 150 mg

medical valley invest ab - lakosamid - tablett, filmdrasjert - 150 mg

Lacosamide Medical Valley 200 mg Норвегія - норвезька - Statens legemiddelverk

lacosamide medical valley 200 mg

medical valley invest ab - lakosamid - tablett, filmdrasjert - 200 mg

Arsenic trioxide Accord Європейський Союз - норвезька - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

arsenic trioxide accord

accord healthcare s.l.u. - arsen trioxide - leukemi, promyelocytisk, akutt - antineoplastiske midler - arsen trioxide er indikert for induksjon av remisjon, og konsolidering hos voksne pasienter med nylig diagnostisert med lav til middels risiko for akutt promyelocytic leukemi (apl) (hvite blodlegemer, ≤ 10 x 103/µl) i kombinasjon med all-trans-retinsyre (atra)tilbakefall/ildfast akutt promyelocytic leukemi (apl)(tidligere behandling burde ha inneholdt en retinoid og kjemoterapi) er karakterisert ved tilstedeværelse av t(15;17) translocation og/eller tilstedeværelse av promyelocytic leukemi/retinoic acid-reseptor-alfa (pml/rar-alfa) - genet. svarprosenten av andre akutt myelogen leukemi undertyper å arsen trioxide har ikke vært undersøkt.