Vitamin D

Country: Аустралија

Језик: Енглески

Извор: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Купи Сада

Активни састојак:

colecalciferol, Quantity: 0.025 mg

Доступно од:

Procter & Gamble Australia Pty Ltd

Фармацеутски облик:

Tablet, effervescent


Excipient Ingredients: calcium carbonate; citric acid; maize starch; propylene glycol; sodium cyclamate; sodium bicarbonate; magnesium carbonate hydrate; beetroot; malic acid; Lemon Oil; riboflavine sodium phosphate; saccharin sodium; maltodextrin; Flavour; silicon dioxide; dl-alpha-tocopherol; sucrose; hydrolysed gelatin; hydrogenated soya oil

Пут администрације:


Терапеутске индикације:

Maintain/support healthy teeth ; Maintain/support bone health ; Aids/assists healthy bone development/growth/building ; Vitamin D helps calcium absorption (or words of like intent) and a diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life ; Maintain/support immune system health

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