Tubing set, heart-lung bypass

Country: Аустралија

Језик: Енглески

Извор: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Купи Сада

Доступно од:

Terumo Australia Pty Ltd


Class IIa

Произведен од:

Terumo Europe NV Interleuvenlaan 40, Leuven, 3001 Belgium

Терапеутска област:

35441 - Cardiopulmonary bypass system tubing set

Терапеутске индикације:

A pre-packaged sterile tubing set containing tubing and other items (such as clamps, filters, connectors, oxygenator, reservoir, haemoconcentrator, heat exchanger) used in the extracorporeal circuit during cardiopulmonary (heart-lung) bypass procedures for up to 6 hours

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