Atazanavir Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

atazanavir mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - atazanavir (as sulfate) - hiv infektioner - antivirale midler til systemisk anvendelse - atazanavir mylan, administreret sammen med lavdosis ritonavir, er indiceret til behandling af hiv 1-inficerede voksne og pædiatriske patienter 6 år og ældre i kombination med andre antiretrovirale lægemidler. baseret på tilgængelige virologisk og kliniske data fra voksne patienter, ingen fordele forventes i patienter med stammer, der er resistente over for flere proteasehæmmere (≥ 4 pi mutationer). der er meget begrænsede data tilgængelige fra børn i alderen 6 til under 18 år. valget af atazanavir mylan i behandling erfarne voksne og pædiatriske patienter, der bør være baseret på individuelle viral resistens test og patientens behandling, historie.

Lenalidomide Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

lenalidomide mylan

mylan ireland limited - lenalidomid - multipelt myelom - immunosuppressiva - multiple myelomalenalidomide mylan as monotherapy is indicated for the maintenance treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma who have undergone autologous stem cell transplantation. lenalidomide mylan as combination therapy with dexamethasone, or bortezomib and dexamethasone, or melphalan and prednisone is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with previously untreated multiple myeloma who are not eligible for transplant. lenalidomide mylan in combination with dexamethasone is indicated for the treatment of multiple myeloma in adult patients who have received at least one prior therapy. follicular lymphomalenalidomide mylan in combination with rituximab (anti-cd20 antibody) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with previously treated follicular lymphoma (grade 1-3a).

Azacitidine Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

azacitidine mylan

mylan ireland limited - azacitidin - myelodysplastic syndromes; leukemia, myelomonocytic, chronic; leukemia, myeloid, acute - antineoplastiske midler - azacitidine mylan is indicated for the treatment of adult patients who are not eligible for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) with:intermediate 2 and high risk myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) according to the international prognostic scoring system (ipss),chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (cmml) with 10 29% marrow blasts without myeloproliferative disorder,acute myeloid leukaemia (aml) with 20 30% blasts and multi lineage dysplasia, according to world health organisation (who) classification,aml with > 30% marrow blasts according to the who classification.

Amlodipine  / Valsartan Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

amlodipine / valsartan mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - amlodipin besilate, valsartan - forhøjet blodtryk - agenter, der virker på renin-angiotensinsystemet - behandling af essentiel hypertension. amlodipin/valsartan mylan er indiceret hos voksne, hvis blodtryk ikke er tilstrækkeligt kontrolleret på amlodipin eller valsartan monoterapi.

Tadalafil Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

tadalafil mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - tadalafil - erektil dysfunktion - urologicals - behandling af erektil dysfunktion hos voksne mænd. for at tadalafil skal være effektiv, kræves seksuel stimulation. tadalafil mylan er ikke indiceret til brug hos kvinder.

Arsenic trioxide Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

arsenic trioxide mylan

mylan ireland limited - arsen trioxid - leukæmi, promyelocytisk, akut - antineoplastiske midler - arsen trioxid mylan er indiceret til induktion af remission, og en konsolidering i voksne patienter med:- nydiagnosticerede lav til intermediær risiko for akut promyelocyt leukæmi (apl) (hvide blodlegemer, ≤ 10 x 103/µl) i kombination med trans-retinsyre (atra)- recidiverende/refraktær akut promyelocyt leukæmi (apl) (tidligere behandling burde have medtaget en retinoid og kemoterapi), der er karakteriseret ved tilstedeværelsen af t(15;17) translokation og/eller tilstedeværelsen af promyelocyt leukæmi/retinsyre receptor alpha (pml/rar-alpha) - genet. svarprocenten af anden akut myeloid leukæmi undertyper til arsen trioxid har ikke beenexamined.

Teriflunomide Mylan Европска Унија - Дански - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

teriflunomide mylan

mylan pharmaceuticals limited - teriflunomide - multipel sklerose, recidiverende-remitterende - immunosuppressiva - teriflunomide mylan is indicated for the treatment of adult patients and paediatric patients aged 10 years and older (body weight > 40 kg) with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (ms) (please refer to section 5. 1 of the smpc for important information on the population for which efficacy has been established).