Burn wrap

Country: Аустралија

Језик: Енглески

Извор: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Купи Сада

Доступно од:

Aero Healthcare


Class Is

Произведен од:

Aero Health Aust Pty Ltd T/A Aero Healthcare (Australia) 63 Seaton Street, ARMIDALE, NSW, 2350 Australia

Терапеутска област:

36093 - Burn wrap

Терапеутске индикације:

A sterile, trauma covering used to maintain the stability of a burn patient en route to a burn centre or hospital. The device is intended to be applied at the emergency site and is used to prevent burn progression, minimize trauma, and provide protection against contamination. This device may be of various materials and sizes. This is a single use device.

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