Prosthesis, ossicular

Država: Avstralija

Jezik: angleščina

Source: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Kupite ga zdaj

Javno poročilo o oceni Javno poročilo o oceni (PAR)

Dostopno od:

Intermed Medical Pty Ltd


Class IIb


Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik GmbH Burghof 14, Overath, 51491 Germany

Terapevtsko območje:

35690 - Prosthesis, ossicular

Terapevtske indikacije:

For reconstructing a total or partial destroyed middle-ear ossicular chain (chain of sound transmission) between the footplate of the stirrup bone or the stapes, and the plane of the eardrum or tympanic membrane level. Or for reconstruction of the sound conduction chain between middle ear and inner ear through replacement of the stapes.

Status dovoljenje:


Datum dovoljenje:


Opozorila o iskanju, povezana s tem izdelkom