Siemens Atellica HEMA 580

Страна: Сингапур

Язык: английский

Источник: HSA (Health Sciences Authority)

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Class B IVD


Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc

Терапевтические области:


Терапевтические показания :

The Atellica HEMA 580 Analyzer is a quantitative multi-parameter, automated hematology analyzer for in vitro diagnostic use in screening patient populations found in clinical laboratories. It classifies and enumerates the following parameters: •A complete blood count: WBC, RBC, HGB, calculated HCT, MCV, calculated MCH, calculated MCHC, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, PLT, PLTOPT, MPV. •A leukocyte differential count: LYM (%/#), MON (%/#), NEU (%/#), EOS (%/#), BAS (%/#). •A nucleated red blood cell count: NRBC (%/#). •A reticulocyte analysis consisting of RET (%/#), calculated CRC, IRF, calculated RHCc. •Quantitative determination of blood cells in synovial fluids, serous fluids (peritoneal, pericardial, pleural fluids) and cerebrospinal fluids consisting of BFWBC, BFRBC, BFPN (%/#), BFMN (%/#). In addition, the analyzer with the Atellica HEMA Slidemaker Stainer option, it automatically prepares and stains high quality blood smears on a glass microscope slide.

Обзор продуктов:

Device System Info:[Device with measuring function]; Models: Atellica HEMA Diluent (20L) - 11374303, Atellica HEMA Diluent (10L) - 11374304, Atellica HEMA Cleaner - 11374306, Atellica HEMA HGB - 11374307, Atellica HEMA Baso - 11374308, Atellica HEMA RET/PLTO - 11374309, Atellica HEMA Diff - 11374310, Atellica HEMA Decon - 11374311, Atellica HEMA Calibrator - 11374312, Atellica HEMA Control (L) - 11374313, Atellica HEMA Control (N) - 11374314, Atellica HEMA Control (H) - 11374315, Atellica HEMA Control RETIC (L) - 11374316, Atellica HEMA Control RETIC (N) - 11374317, Atellica HEMA Control RETIC (H) - 11374318, Atellica HEMA Control BF (N) - 11374319, Atellica HEMA Control BF (H) - 11374320, Atellica HEMA Slidemaker Stainer (SMS) - 11315459, Atellica HEMA 580 Analyzer - 11315457, Atellica HEMA 580 Analyzer - 11315455

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