Spinal Cord Stimulation Systems

Țară: Israel

Limbă: ebraică

Sursă: Ministry of Health

Cumpara asta acum

Disponibil de la:

מדוגר מכשור רפואי בע"מ



Produs de:

St. Jude Medical, Inc. - Neuromodulation Devision (ANS)

Grupul Terapeutică:


Indicații terapeutice:

SJM systems are indicated for spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of chronic pain of the trunk and limbs, and Chronic Migraine by Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

Rezumat produs:

SJM systems are indicated for spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of chronic pain of the trunk and limbs, and Chronic Migraine by Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

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