豹風油 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


正長生化學製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣和美鎮彰美路二段6號 (59195494) - menthol;;camphor;;clove oil;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;methyl salicylate;;chlorophyll copper;;lavender oil - 外用液劑 - clove oil (7200000305) mg; camphor (8408000100) mg; menthol (8408000300) mg; chlorophyll copper (8416000610) mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) mg; lavender oil (9600017305) mg - salicylic acid preparations - 蚊蟲咬傷、止癢消腫、頭痛、牙痛、鼓腸、燙傷、暈動

彎直寧軟膏 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


奧孟亞股份有限公司 台北市中山區長春路378號6樓 (66262721) - methyl salicylate;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;thymol;;menthol;;camphor;;mustard oil;;phenol (carbolic acid) - 乳膏劑 - thymol (8404801200) 0.0066gm; camphor (8408000100) 0.0034gm; menthol (8408000300) 0.0022gm; phenol (carbolic acid) (8408000600) 0.0037gm; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 0.1120gm; mustard oil (9200034405) (vlatile) 0.0008gm; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 0.0125gm - salicylic acid preparations - 切傷、刀傷、火傷、蟲咬傷、凍傷、創傷

養膚油液 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


秀雪西藥房 彰化縣員林鎮萬年里萬年巷10之1號 - menthol;;methyl salicylate;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;camphor;;clove oil - 外用液劑 - clove oil (7200000305) 12.5mg; camphor (8408000100) 30mg; menthol (8408000300) 310mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 200mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 15mg - 頭暈、蚊蟲咬傷、燙火灼傷、止癢、消腫、手足、痠痛、肌肉痠痛、暈車船

金達錠 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


乖乖股份有限公司 桃園市中壢區東園路48號 (04217017) - l-menthol ;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;thymol;;terpineol oil;;guaiacol - 錠劑 - guaiacol (4800001400) 0.016mg; terpineol oil (8404001005) 0.016mg; thymol (8404801200) 0.016mg; l-menthol (8408000302) 32.8mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 0.451mg - 咳嗽、喉痛、口臭

鷹標風油精 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


台灣大昌華嘉股份有限公司 台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段407巷20弄1、3、5、7號10樓及22、24、26號10樓及22號10樓之1 (70824858) - levomenthol;;methyl salicylate;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) - 外用液劑 - levomenthol (8408000320) mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) mg - salicylic acid preparations - 背痛、拉傷、扭傷所引起的肌肉疼痛。頭眩、鼻塞、頭痛、蚊蟲咬傷、舟車暈浪。

大峰油 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


三和藥廠西藥販賣部 彰化巿成功路156號 - menthol;;methyl salicylate;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;camphor - 外用液劑 - camphor (8408000100) 30mg; menthol (8408000300) 310mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 200mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 15mg - 蚊蟲咬傷、止癢、消腫、暈動、鼓腸、頭痛、牙痛、燙傷

金象油 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


秀雪西藥房 彰化縣員林鎮萬年里萬年巷10之1號 - l-menthol ;;peppermint oil (oleum menth pip);;dl-camphor ;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;clove oil;;jasmine oil - 軟膏劑 - clove oil (7200000305) 40mg; dl-camphor (8408000103) 140mg; l-menthol (8408000302) 140mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 90mg; peppermint oil (oleum menth pip) (9600021700) 80mg; jasmine oil (9600061405) 3mg - 切傷、刀傷、創傷、蚊蟲咬傷、頭暈

大維貼痠痛藥布 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


大維藥品股份有限公司 台南市永康區鹽洲村洲工街175巷1號1樓 - methyl salicylate;;l-menthol ;;clove oil;;peppermint oil (oleum menth pip);;dl-camphor ;;thymol;;olive oil;;rose oil;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) - 藥膠布 - clove oil (7200000305) 5mg; thymol (8404801200) 2mg; dl-camphor (8408000103) 10mg; l-menthol (8408000302) 10mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 20mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 5mg; olive oil (9600021200) 100mg; peppermint oil (oleum menth pip) (9600021700) 1mg; rose oil (9600026205) 5mg - preparations with salicylic acid derivatives - 肌肉痛、關節痛、神經痛、肩痛

耐斯藥膠布 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣三陽製藥廠股份有限公司 屏東縣潮州鎮蓬萊里榮田路36號 (23523894) - phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark);;gardenia fruit powder;;l-menthol ;;peppermint oil (oleum menth pip);;dl-camphor ;;thymol;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) - 藥膠布 - gardenia fruit powder (2808001222) 3.3mg; phellodendron bark powder (eq to powdered phellodendron bark) (5640001512) 6.7mg; thymol (8404801200) 1mg; dl-camphor (8408000103) 10mg; l-menthol (8408000302) 10mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 1mg; peppermint oil (oleum menth pip) (9600021700) 7mg - other therapeutic products - 打撲捻挫、肌肉痛、腰痛、肩膀痛、神經痛、風濕關節痛

"依必朗"清風油 Taiwan - chineză - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


依必朗化學製藥股份有限公司 彰化縣福興鄉萬豐村福工路11號 (58020721) - l-menthol ;;methyl salicylate;;eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti);;camphor;;clove oil - 液劑 - clove oil (7200000305) 0.0125ml; camphor (8408000100) 30mg; l-menthol (8408000302) 310mg; methyl salicylate (8424400200) 200mg; eucalyptus oil (oleum eucalypti) (9600012200) 0.015ml - salicylic acid preparations - 蚊蟲呅傷、暈車、暈船