Insuman Basal Suspension for IV injection

Țară: Filipine

Limbă: engleză

Sursă: FDA (Food And Drug Administration)

Cumpara asta acum

Ingredient activ:

Isophane Insulin Human (Rdna Origin)

Disponibil de la:

Sanofi-Aventis Philippines, Inc.

INN (nume internaţional):

Isophane Insulin Human (Rdna Origin)

Forma farmaceutică:

Suspension for IV injection

Unități în pachet:

5mL USP Type I clear and colorlss glass vial (box of 1's & 5's); 10mL USP Type I clear and colorless glass vial (box of 1's)

Produs de:

Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH

Data de autorizare:


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