Nephrology information system application software

País: Austrália

Língua: inglês

Origem: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Compre agora

Disponível em:

Vantive Pty Ltd


Class I

Fabricado por:

Baxter Healthcare SA 8010, Zurich Switzerland

Área terapêutica:

41049 - Nephrology information system application software

Indicações terapêuticas:

Adequest is a web-based peritoneal dialysis kinetic modeling application used to assist healthcare professionals in measuring patient peritoneal membrane transport characteristics and in the modelling of solute clearances, fluid removal and carbohydrate absorption based on transport characteristics and treatment parameters provided by the healthcare professionals. Adequest cannot determine whether a patient is receiving adequet therapy and is not designed to be a tool to teach healthcare professional how to perform or prescribe PD. Adequest will not autofill or directly input any therapy models into the PD instrucmentations.

Status de autorização:


Data de autorização:


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