Gown, isolation, single use

País: Austrália

Língua: inglês

Origem: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

Compre agora

Disponível em:

Dupont Australia Pty Ltd


Class I

Fabricado por:

DuPont De Nemours (Luxembourg) Sarl Rue Du General Patton, Contern, L 2884 Luxembourg

Área terapêutica:

35492 - Gown, isolation, single use

Indicações terapêuticas:

DuPont Tyvek? Isoclean? IC702S Gowns are CE certified PPE, and classified as Category III, Type PB[6-B]. They are also certified to EN 14126:2003 for Protective clothing against infective agents. This is a non-sterile disposable gown with bound neck, serged seams and knitted cuffs, intended to be worn by healthcare workers. It provides protection against infective agents, particles, and non-hazardous water-based liquid splash. www.dupont.co.uk/products/tyvek-isoclean-ic0702swh00.html

Status de autorização:


Data de autorização:


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