Supply unit, ceiling-mounted

Land: Australia

Språk: engelsk

Kilde: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Tilgjengelig fra:

Hill-Rom Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Produsert av:

Baxter Medical Systems GmbH + Co. KG Carl-Zeiss-Str 7-9, Saalfeld, 07318 Germany

Terapeutisk område:

35630 - Supply unit, ceiling-mounted


A permanently ceiling-mounted unit to supply facilities, e.g. electricity, gas or gas scavenging, in such a way as to optimize the user's access to them. It is used in operation/examination rooms, recovery/intensive units and emergency rooms. The unit typically consists of a ceiling fixture support, equipped with movable arms (often multi-jointed) and a pendant head. It can be equipped with an equipment carrier for mounting other medical devices.

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