依康納注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


臺灣默克股份有限公司 台北巿松山區南京東路五段188號6樓之5 (23526610) - orotic acid (vit b13);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;thiamine hydrochloride;;folic acid;;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;pyridoxine hcl - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 6mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 20mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 5mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 4mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 2.5mg; orotic acid (vit b13) (8811300100) 10mg; folic acid (8811600100) 1mg - 維他命B缺乏症

依康納注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


安星貿易股份有限公司 台北巿民權西路34號3樓 - orotic acid (vit b13);;thiamine hydrochloride;;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;folic acid;;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;pyridoxine hcl;;niacinamide (nicotinamide) - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 6mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 20mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 5mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 4mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 2.5mg; orotic acid (vit b13) (8811300100) 10mg; folic acid (8811600100) 1mg - 維他命B缺乏症

複合維他命B注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


富富企業股份有限公司 台北巿民生東路一段42號四樓之1 (04264685) - pyridoxine(vitamin b6);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;thiamine(hcl);;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium) - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 1.00mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 100.00mg; thiamine(hcl) (8810109900) 100.00mg; riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium) (8810209700) (2.74mg) 2.00mg; pyridoxine(vitamin b6) (8810600100) (vit b6) 2.00mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 1000.00mcg - 維他命B群缺乏症

維利寶注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


富富企業股份有限公司 台北巿民生東路一段42號四樓之1 (04264685) - pyridoxine(vitamin b6);;riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;thiamine(hcl) - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 1.00mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 100.00mg; thiamine(hcl) (8810109900) 100.00mg; riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium) (8810209700) (2.74mg) 2.00mg; pyridoxine(vitamin b6) (8810600100) (vit b6) 2.00mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 50.00mcg - 維他命B群缺乏症

補需-必12凍晶注射劑 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


順吉貿易有限公司 台北巿南京東路一段19之2號 - pyridoxine hcl;;riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium);;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;ascorbic acid (vit c);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;thiamine hydrochloride;;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) - 凍晶注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 6mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 125mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 50mg; riboflavin(5-phosphate sodium) (8810209700) 5mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 5mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 1000mcg; ascorbic acid (vit c) (8816000100) 50mg - 維他命B、C缺乏症、惡性貧血、腳氣病

富寶─B液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


中國化學製藥股份有限公司新豐工廠 新竹縣新豐鄉坑子口182之1號 (03088802) - ascorbic acid (vit c);;ergocalciferol (vit d2calciferol);;biotin;;vitamin a palmitate;;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;riboflavin phosphate sodium;;cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;pyridoxine hcl;;thiamine hydrochloride - 內服液劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 1.00mg; vitamin a palmitate (8804000300) 1000iu (i; biotin (8810000100) 5mcg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 2.50mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 1.00mg; riboflavin phosphate sodium (8810200700) 0.25mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 0.25mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) 0.25mcg; ascorbic acid (vit c) (8816000100) 10.0mg; ergocalciferol (vit d2calciferol) (8818000200) 100iu (i - multivitamins, plain - 營養補給

複方維他命B注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


中國化學製藥股份有限公司樹林工廠 臺北市襄陽路23號 (03088802) - niacinamide (nicotinamide);;pyridoxine hcl;;thiamine hydrochloride;;riboflavin (vit b2);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 5mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 50mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 100mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 5mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 5mg - vitamin b-complex, plain - 維他命B缺乏症之預防及治療

維他補滋注射液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


大統貿易股份有限公司 台北巿南京東路五段188號6樓 (04706198) - cyanocobalamin (vit b12);;pyridoxine hcl;;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;riboflavin (vit b2);;thiamine hydrochloride - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 10mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 100mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 100mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) 3mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 10mg; cyanocobalamin (vit b12) (8811200300) (cryst) 30mcg - 維他命B群缺乏症、手術前後、創傷者、嚴重燙傷及胃腸障礙而不能吸收維他命者

複方維他命乙針 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


利達製藥股份有限公司 臺中市大甲區中山路一段906號 (56112203) - niacinamide (nicotinamide);;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;thiamine mononitrate;;riboflavin phosphate;;pyridoxine hcl - 注射劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 5mg; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 50mg; thiamine mononitrate (8810101001) 100mg; riboflavin phosphate (8810200600) 5mg; pyridoxine hcl (8810600300) 5mg - 腳氣病、多發性神經炎、口角炎、唇炎、口內炎、舌炎

維佳液 Taiwan - kinesisk - 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署 (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Food And Drug Administration)


西德有機化學藥品股份有限公司 台北縣三重巿中正北路560巷36號 (35152903) - ergocalciferol (vit d2calciferol);;niacinamide (nicotinamide);;vitamin a;;riboflavin (vit b2);;thiamine hydrochloride;;panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol);;ascorbic acid (vit c);;pyridoxine(vitamin b6) - 內服液劑 - panthenol d- (eq to d-panthenol) (8416000701) 1.7mg; vitamin a (8804000100) 170.0iu (i; niacinamide (nicotinamide) (8810000300) 4.0mg; thiamine hydrochloride (8810100900) 0.4mg; riboflavin (vit b2) (8810200400) (phosphate)0.55mg; pyridoxine(vitamin b6) (8810600100) 0.5mg; ascorbic acid (vit c) (8816000100) 17.0mg; ergocalciferol (vit d2calciferol) (8818000200) 17.0iu (i - 營養補給