Biodesign Hiatal Hernia Graft - Multi-purpose surgical mesh, collagen

Land: Australia

Språk: engelsk

Kilde: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Tilgjengelig fra:

Endotherapeutics Pty Ltd


Class III

Produsert av:

Cook Biotech Incorporated 1425 Innovation Place, West Lafayette, Indiana, 47906 United States Of America

Terapeutisk område:

60907 - Multi-purpose surgical mesh, collagen


The graft provides a scaffold that restores the crura's strength and function. Following placement, the graft interacts with the tissue around it, promoting healing and re-modeling. The Biodesign for Hiatal Hernia Graft- used for implantation to reinforce soft tissue where weakness exsists, including repair of paraesophageal/hiatal hernias.

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