Argon-enhanced endoscopic electrosurgical electrode, reusable

Land: Australia

Språk: engelsk

Kilde: Department of Health (Therapeutic Goods Administration)

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Tilgjengelig fra:

Samson Medical Technologies Pty Ltd


Class IIb

Produsert av:

EMED SP Z O O SP K ul Ryzowa 69A, Opacz-Kolonia, 05-816 Poland

Terapeutisk område:

61877 - Argon-enhanced endoscopic electrosurgical electrode, reusable


Reusable argon electrodes are intended for cutting and coagulation with the use of argon in open and laparoscopic surgery. They work connected by means of a suitable holder with monopolar outputs of EMED electrosurgical units with argon module and other compatible units.

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