בימקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי Israël - Hebreeuws - Ministry of Health

בימקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי

eliezer linevitz ltd. - ivermectin - פסטה - ivermectin 18.7 mg/g

ורמוקס תרחיף Israël - Hebreeuws - Ministry of Health

ורמוקס תרחיף

j-c health care ltd - mebendazole - תרחיף - mebendazole 20 mg/ml - mebendazole - mebendazole - treatment of trichuris trichiura (whipworm) ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm), ancylostoma duodenale (common hookworm), necator americanus (american hookworm) strongyloidiasis, enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) and teniasis.

ורמוקס טבליות Israël - Hebreeuws - Ministry of Health

ורמוקס טבליות

j-c health care ltd - mebendazole - טבליה - mebendazole 100 mg - mebendazole - mebendazole - treatment of trichuris trichiura (whipworm). ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm). ancylostoma duodenale (common hookworm). necator americanus (american hookworm), strongyloidiasis, enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) and teniasis in single or mixed infections.

בימקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי Israël - Hebreeuws - Ministry of Health

בימקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי

linevitz eliezer - ivermectin 18.7 mg/g - paste - control the following horse parasites: large redworms: adult and arterial and 4-th larval ( arterial) stage of strongylus vulgaris adults and 4-th larval (tissue) stages of s. edentatus (adults) of s.eguinus. small redworm: adult and developing immatures (4-th stage larval) of the following species of small stronyles or cyathostomes: triodontophorus spp. (adults) coroncyclus spp. cyathostomum spp. cylococyclus spp. cylicostephanus spp. poteriostomum spp. (ivermectin is not effictive against encysted larval stages of the small strongyles.) pinworms: adult adn immature oxyuris equi. lungworms: adult and immature dictyocaulus arnfieldi. ascarids: adult and immature parascaris equorum. stomach worms: trichostrongylus axei and habronema muscae. intestinal threadworms: strongyloides westeri. cutaneous worms: microfilariae of onchocerca spp. bots: mouth and stomach stages of gasterophilus spp.

נורומקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי Israël - Hebreeuws - Ministry of Health

נורומקטין פסטה לסוסים וטרינרי

comex ltd - ivermectin - פסטה - פומי - ivermectin 1.87 %w/w