VIRBAGEN OMEGA 10 INTERFERON FOR DOGS AND CATS Australia - engelsk - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority)

virbagen omega 10 interferon for dogs and cats

virbac (australia) pty ltd - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - parenteral liquid/solution/suspension - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin vaccine active 10.0 mu/ml - immunotherapy - cat | dog - adult | cat - queen | cat - tom | kitten - canine parvovirus | feline calicivirus | calicivirus (feline) | fcv | parvovirus

Virbagen Omega Den europeiske union - engelsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

virbagen omega

virbac s.a. - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - immunostimulants, - dogs; cats - dogsreduction of mortality and clinical signs of parvovirosis (enteric form) in dogs from one month of age.catstreatment of cats infected with feline leukaemia virus (felv) and / or feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), in non-terminal clinical stages, from the age of nine weeks. in a field study conducted, it was observed that there was:a reduction of clinical signs during the symptomatic phase (four months);a reduction of mortality:in anaemic cats, mortality rate of about 60% at four, six, nine and 12 months was reduced by approximately 30% following treatment with interferon;in non-anaemic cats, mortality rate of 50% in cats infected by felv was reduced by 20% following treatment with interferon. in cats infected by fiv, mortality was low (5%) and was not influenced by the treatment.

RECOMBINANT OMEGA INTERFERON OF FELINE ORIGIN Australia - engelsk - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority)

recombinant omega interferon of feline origin

virbac (australia) pty ltd - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - unknown - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin vaccine active 0.0 - active constituent


virbagen omega 5mu/ml λυοφιλοποιημενο υλικο και διαλυτησ για ενεσιμο εναιωρημα

virbac s.a., carros, france (0000006112) 1 avenue 2065,,m-lid 06516 carros,fr - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - ΛΥΟΦΙΛΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΟ ΥΛΙΚΟ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΛΥΤΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΝΕΣΙΜΟ ΕΝΑΙΩΡΗΜΑ - 5mu/ml - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin 5,00 5mu/ml - interferons - Γάτες; Σκύλοι - Χρόνοι αναμονής: Σκύλοι; Γάτες


virbagen omega 10mu/ml λυοφιλοποιημενο υλικο και διαλυτησ για ενεσιμο εναιωρημα

virbac s.a., carros, france (0000006112) 1 avenue 2065,,m-lid 06516 carros,fr - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - ΛΥΟΦΙΛΟΠΟΙΗΜΕΝΟ ΥΛΙΚΟ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΑΛΥΤΗΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΝΕΣΙΜΟ ΕΝΑΙΩΡΗΜΑ - 10mu/ml - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin 10,00 10mu/ml - interferons - Γάτες; Σκύλοι - Χρόνοι αναμονής: Σκύλοι; Γάτες

Virbagen Omega Den europeiske union - tsjekkisk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

virbagen omega

virbac s.a. - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - immunostimulants, - dogs; cats - dogsreduction of mortality and clinical signs of parvovirosis (enteric form) in dogs from one month of age. catstreatment of cats infected with feline leukaemia virus (felv) and / or feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), in non-terminal clinical stages, from the age of nine weeks. in a field study conducted, it was observed that there was:a reduction of clinical signs during the symptomatic phase (four months);a reduction of mortality:in anaemic cats, mortality rate of about 60% at four, six, nine and 12 months was reduced by approximately 30% following treatment with interferon;in non-anaemic cats, mortality rate of 50% in cats infected by felv was reduced by 20% following treatment with interferon. in cats infected by fiv, mortality was low (5%) and was not influenced by the treatment.

Virbagen Omega Den europeiske union - nederlandsk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

virbagen omega

virbac s.a. - recombinant omega-interferon van oorsprong van katten - immunostimulants, - dogs; cats - dogsreduction of mortality and clinical signs of parvovirosis (enteric form) in dogs from one month of age. catstreatment of cats infected with feline leukaemia virus (felv) and / or feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), in non-terminal clinical stages, from the age of nine weeks. in a field study conducted, it was observed that there was:a reduction of clinical signs during the symptomatic phase (four months);a reduction of mortality:in anaemic cats, mortality rate of about 60% at four, six, nine and 12 months was reduced by approximately 30% following treatment with interferon;in non-anaemic cats, mortality rate of 50% in cats infected by felv was reduced by 20% following treatment with interferon. bij katten die met fiv waren geïnfecteerd, was de mortaliteit laag (5%) en werd deze niet beïnvloed door de behandeling.

VIRBAGEN OMEGA 5 INTERFERON FOR DOGS AND CATS Australia - engelsk - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority)

virbagen omega 5 interferon for dogs and cats

virbac (australia) pty ltd - recombinant omega interferon of feline origin - immunotherapy - cat | dog - adult | cat - queen | cat - tom | kitten - canine parvovirus | feline calicivirus | calicivirus (feline) | fcv | parvovirus

Virbagen Omega Den europeiske union - rumensk - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

virbagen omega

virbac s.a. - recombinant omega interferon de origine felină - imunostimulante, - dogs; cats - dogsreduction of mortality and clinical signs of parvovirosis (enteric form) in dogs from one month of age. catstreatment of cats infected with feline leukaemia virus (felv) and / or feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv), in non-terminal clinical stages, from the age of nine weeks. in a field study conducted, it was observed that there was:a reduction of clinical signs during the symptomatic phase (four months);a reduction of mortality:in anaemic cats, mortality rate of about 60% at four, six, nine and 12 months was reduced by approximately 30% following treatment with interferon;in non-anaemic cats, mortality rate of 50% in cats infected by felv was reduced by 20% following treatment with interferon. la pisicile infectate cu fiv, mortalitatea a fost scăzută (5%) și nu a fost influențată de tratament.

Virbagen Omega 10 New Zealand - engelsk - Ministry for Primary Industries

virbagen omega 10

virbac new zealand limited - recombinant feline omega interferon - recombinant feline omega interferon 10,000 thou iu/ml - immune stimulant