Improvac Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


zoetis belgium sa - synthetic peptide analogue of gnrf conjugated to diptheria toxoid - immunoloġiċi għal suidae - male pigs (from 8 weeks of age); female pigs (from 14 weeks of age) - male pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of testicular function. for use as an alternative to physical castration for the reduction of boar taint caused by the key boar taint compound androstenone, in entire male pigs following the onset of puberty. kontributur ewlieni ieħor għall-tifqigħa tal-ħanżir, skatole, jista 'jitnaqqas ukoll bħala effett indirett. mġieba aggressiva u sesswali (immuntar) huma wkoll imnaqqsa. female pigs:induction of antibodies against gnrf to produce a temporary immunological suppression of ovarian function (suppression of oestrus) in order to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in gilts intended for slaughter, and to reduce the associated sexual behaviour (standing oestrus).

Zycortal Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


dechra regulatory b.v. - pivalate ta 'desoxycortone - kortikosterojdi għal użu sistemiku - klieb - għall-użu bħala terapija ta ' sostituzzjoni għall-mineralocorticoid defiċjenza fil-klieb b'primarja iperadrenokortiċiżmu (addison tal-marda).